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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. and you are basing this just because of how i am on this forum? you don't know a damn thing about me BW, just as I don't know a damn thing about you. this forum all and all is a good forum full of good people, it's just that your goals with what you post about on this forum and the goals for what i post about on this forum are totally different. that doesn't make your posts or my posts any more valid. i have a bad taste in my mouth with RLC so my thoughts and views will be different than yours. why can't people just skip a members post if they don't like the person or if the persons viewpoints don't align with their own? am i guilty of it, yes i am simply because my goal is different.
  2. LOL i'm just picking on you DD, take a chill pill my friend. You must be from Mykonos!!
  3. LMAO I have a great life except for my heart condition. I have a life full of love, 2 wonderful grandchildren, a big loving family, and lots of very close and personal friends. What's your excuse!!
  4. I will agree with you that RLC is desperate and the reason why they picked them is because Claire is a known showgirl with very limited time invested in RLC during her visitations before becoming a tenant. RLC is now turning into a show palace and Claire fits the bill perfectly!!
  5. You along with your buddy Miscvoyeur are both delusional to think that just because I stopped watching RLC, that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about concerning B4. When I threw the towel in with RLC I had a very close personal friend of mine that I had been sharing pictures and videos with for years. He had taken up a subscription and was repaying the favor until he also had had enough of RLC. Then, I know you are never going to believe this, but I actually do have friends on this forum Ed and those same friends over time have shared a great deal with me about B4 both in messaging and with pics and videos. So you can play the dumb ass all you want to about how I know so much about B4, I don't care either way!
  6. LOL participants evolving my ass! The only thing evolving here is RLC wanting to be more and more like VHTV and the miserable bunch that support it! So, I guess StnCld316 is going to put me in timeout again because I might have said something to hurt another "Liberals" way of thinking or is he going to put me in timeout for defending myself. Whatever the case may be, leave the goody two shoes alone and punish those of us that speak up on what I thought was an open and adult forum. Do what you wish StnCld316 but just know this, I'm not the problem here. What is the problem here is what you are creating by supporting it!! I just ask one favor and that is for you to contact me before putting me in time out so we can discuss each post I made, and not just put me in time out without me having any chance to state my case...thank you.
  7. Do you have an obsession with dick BW? You sure love the dick don't you BW? You wish that pumpkin headed Lucian was back just so you could follow his every move, don't you BW....get a fucking life dude!
  8. Yes, Nelly & Bogdan have fucked up what used to be a good thing with B4!!
  9. You got it, you finally figured it out.....here's a lollipop for your gay ass!
  10. LOL believe what you want to believe, I know the truth! Now stop following me around!!
  11. Another dickhead guy that thinks every girl wants to sleep with him! Dangerous...it's already dangerous with having them all together in the first fucking place. He must be a "REAL" ladies man LMAO.....the life and times of amateur porn actors!!
  12. They are fake Rosey, take my word for it dude. I watched the video where she was telling the girls how she had them done. I really don't care if anyone believes me or not, I know for a fact they are fake.
  13. Lot's of people know exactly where it is and nothing is ever going to happen because of it.
  14. You are probably correct with this point but I haven't watched in so long it's hard for me to remember exactly how they were. Yes, I do know you like them drunk and drugged up....easier to catch that way!!
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