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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Rowbin? I know you meant Robwin so just picking on you. Robwin wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the wall! Just messing with you Rob, but by no stretch am I woman!!
  2. who say's that all the couples you have seen on RLC were actually couples? yes, some of them were but a lot of them weren't and were just in that position for the money. Claire & Carlos for example, I would be willing to bet good money that they are not a couple and they are only doing it for the money. You are right about one thing Dino, the GOV bullshit has NOW failed do to placing the hard dicks in the house and changing the name to GOV/COV. The other apartments soon to follow I'm sure. I personally blame it all on you Dino!!
  3. That is truly one thing I miss by not being a subscriber. I loved watching how my wife's body changed during her pregnancy with both our children. I think pregnant women are extremely beautiful and sexy!!
  4. Isn't that true for all the tenants when they are not in show mode? I'm not a Stella fan because I don't like the drug use and I know I might be a minority here when saying that but I just prefer more genuine people than drugged up people.
  5. Thank goodness cuz her big ole fake titties might nock somebody out!
  6. LOL what's your point Edward? I don't watch or I would have noticed it. For the others I can't speak.
  7. You just don't get it Alladino, it doesn't matter what the ratio's of girls to guys is anymore. RLC has become VH-RLC and no matter how you staff it, there will always be the shows you refer to so much. Some will be pseudo lesbian, some will be 3-somes or more-somes, and some will be the bullshit you watched last night in B2. Just by bringing couples in is not going to solve anything and will only make it worse!! They need to setup more couples apartments and put the GOV's back the way they were.
  8. Get used to it, you will see it repeatedly!! RLC is in desperate need of some new, fresh talent!!
  9. Stella is however....a showgirl on powder!! Nicole is somewhat different than all the others when it comes to being a showgirl. Megan, Holly, Lorraine, Valerie, Ginger, Damira, Anita, Monica, etc., etc.,....to name just a small portion, are showgirls for the camera's all the way.
  10. Sorry Dino but I have to disagree. If there is just one guy in the cast, that's one guy to many!! Straight couples apartments then no problem but by that POS Bogdan changing the name from GOV to GOV/COV just to suit his needs is a selfish act and it has ruined the whole GOV concept. This is only my opinion and you can take it however you like!!
  11. I don't know which other apartments you watch or follow on here but I've read where girls still bate during their time of the month and I don't know if that's because they are on RLC or they are just hornier during that time. I know with my late wife, she was always horny during that time especially.
  12. From what I was told about last nights show, this is the same thing you will see over and over again until L&A leave in about 9 months. How much more boring can RLC become. They bring back one of the biggest showgirls to ever grace the screen on RLC and her little puppy dog that will follow right behind her with his nose up her crack and they will always be together no matter what apartment they are in. So....what i'm trying to say is, that's lucky for all you dick lovers out there!!
  13. They did, there is no difference between the two sites anymore. VHRLC & VHTV are one in the same!
  14. My Cowboys are sucking it up this game Ashley...
  15. I understand, I hear that a lot from the Europeans and others. Growing up with American football you just take it for granted and you think everyone should know the rules or at least most of them that is. I watch soccer every now and then and that's only when football is not being played here in the states.
  16. your footballers should be more careful
  17. Uhhhh, yeah i did. I's standin' overe there by the tomaters, and here she come, running through the pole beans, through the fruits and vegetables, nekkid as a jay bird
  18. it's cool, they get ripped on all the time. there has to be one team that get's ripped on, might as well be the Cowboys lol
  19. I like the Eagles as well. I cheer for multiple teams but the Cowboys is my main team.
  20. Been a fan since a was a toddler. I hear that a lot from the closet Cowboy fans lol
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