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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. The mask has nothing to do with making Covid go away!! The only thing that is going to make the situation with Covid any better is social distancing and staying home!!
  2. Damn it Ed, you are not supposed to say things that make me want to reply! I think that mixing the apartments all together is a detriment to RLC and I definitely don't think all the girls should have to mix with the other girls. If I was in your shoes, I would have been watching Elmira instead of anything else that was going on!!
  3. I've seen them both now and I would take Elmira over Ariana any day!! Elmira is wholesome and natural looking, Ariana looks high maintenance as hell. Yes sir, you can have Ariana and I'll take Elmira any day of the week and twice on Sunday!!
  4. These girls fuck nothing but losers, he's right up their alley's!!
  5. Like I said awhile ago, just one big dysfunctional family of porn actors from the amateur porn actors guild!! They don't care Sergio, it's obvious that they've heard of it or none of them would be wearing masks that aren't going to protect them anyway!!
  6. It's just one big dysfunctional family of amateur porn actors from the amateur porn actors guild....nothing more, nothing less!!
  7. Your right Jimbo, I don't know what I was thinking! I forget exactly how literal this forum is at times!!
  8. No argument from me, I'm sure these guys have already seen them on many occasions!! Y'all have fun and enjoy the BS in B2. I'm going for a drive with my buddies sister.....have a good night!!
  9. LOL I could kick Olivia's ass for ever getting that dip shit involved in these freaking Barcelona apartments. Of course, that's probably where all the girls went to get their fuck on and especially Milena so she could keep it off camera. In other words, don't expect anything more than yet another boring ass stupid fucking show from those four loser girls!!
  10. I'm all for exchanging opinions and you can talk to me anytime if you have a question but remember, I can only go off of what I know from being an RLC member for for several years and what i've been told and read. Disagreeing with me is no problem as long as you agree to exchange!
  11. I do appreciate and respect your opinion ddhm, it is one that we just don't share. You see no problem with him and her being managers of the Barcelona apartments and I think it's a very huge conflict of interest. If they want to stay involved in the project as managers, they should get their own place!! Them leaving Russia and moving to Barcelona was a huge step up for them and I can see why they would choose to move. They just don't belong in an apartment with 3 single girls. I'm sorry, I will not change my mind on that!! Get their own place and I would be fine with it but not as it is now!!!
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