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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I honestly can't answer that Naga. I've only been shown a couple of Leora's bates and none of Malia's so honestly I have no idea.
  2. Moos, I have people that tell me things about these girls that are members of RLC and CC. Not all of what I say is based off BS. I have never heard of Leora or Malia showing up after being out all night long and having in tow male acquaintances like Damira and those other two girls did one morning, and then shagging them later that morning. Which by the way, the one girl (all tatted up) that I can't remember her name, was with a black guy that she just couldn't wait to bed down only to be disappointed from what I heard about it. So there is a huge difference in what is seen in Barcelona compared to what is seen in Prague with Leora and Malia. There is nothing to underestimate with the girls in Barcelona, it's straight out bold and right in your face nasty IMO!!
  3. LOL this is a place to have fun and not be so damn defensive with everything!!
  4. Sometimes what you see, is really not what you see! In other words, if Leora wants to make her fans believe that there is nothing between her and this guy, she does just what you have mentioned. If Leora didn't give a damn, I'm sure the situation would be different. I believe it all comes down to Leora's respect for Paul that the situation is as it is...nothing more, nothing less. I'll pose the same question to everyone of her fans... Would any of you bet your life that there is nothing going on with this guy and Leora?
  5. By all means, I'm not saying that she couldn't be working a job somewhere during the night. When she comes home and if she goes to bed, that is a good indication that she is actually working a night shift job. If she comes home and is bright eyed and bushy tailed, then I think not!
  6. Who says you have the right information? Are you or are you not an employee of RLC? If not, what you get out of their social media accounts by stalking them doesn't warrant your information being any more correct than anyone else's. I never said anything about Leora & Malia being angels, they are on an adult website exposing themselves to thousands of people for Pete sake. All I'm saying is they haven't displayed the type of depraved media that the Barca girls have and I have respect for them in not doing so!! Everybody wants something different out of RLC! You, apparently want the Barca style girls and I simply do not!!
  7. The fact is is that nobody knows one way or another what they are doing. When did Malia leave last night, it was rather late wasn't it? Seem's like a very odd hour for any young woman to be traveling the streets of Prague. To me it makes more sense that she has met someone that possibly lives in the same building and that is where she goes...pure speculation on my part.
  8. LOL you never cease to amaze me Moos and how many times do I have to repeat myself about the differences between Barca girls and these girls? These girls are not like the very loose girls that are in Barca, or at least they have never given anyone of their fans a reason to suspect they were otherwise. The girls in Barca I could really care less about to be honest with you. I'd never date a girl like that and wouldn't want anything to do with their habitually smoking and drug use habits and not to mention their unfaithfulness habits. To me they are nothing more than a bunch of over paid tramps to be honest with you. They honestly have no class in my opinion!!
  9. He was just kidding, trying to get a rise out of someone and apparently it worked. We've got to be able to have a little fun on the forum, don't you think?
  10. It doesn't matter really, but they are starting to take on the traits of other RLC participants though and that's kind of worrisome IMO. I guess they are all about the same, it's just some hide it better than others.
  11. You know way more about the situation than I do so I will just have to take your word for it.
  12. I know nothing happened and I'm probably way wrong but I just find it strange. Do you know what the timeline was for the period that is missing? Were they in the apartment from the time the replay that was removed started? You and I would think nothing of a shoulder massage but there is at least one person that probably wouldn't like it. It's just too coincidental in my opinion but like I said I'm probably wrong and just reading too much into it. By no means am I trying to upset anyone over it!!
  13. RLC has a way of covering their tracks!! They have the means to make it look accidental..
  14. I am being fair Jimbo. RLC might as well not have a replay function if they remove parts of it of which was under normal circumstances from what I read. Next time just put the apartment UM and then no one will be the wiser!!
  15. So now the tenants can tell RLC that they want the apartment replay removed for a certain period of time? What's up with that!! Next time Leora should have them take the apartment offline while the guy is there!!!
  16. LMAO....anybody that actually watched it deserves what they got!!
  17. LOL it's your money my friend, you can waste it if you want too!! Just drive down the streets where you live and throw money out the window of your car....it's the same thing as buying a premium or any other subscription to RLC!
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