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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. i'm glad she's back so everybody will be happy again!!
  2. Sorry for the intermission but I had to get something to eat to take my noon meds. I've been told that they can't live without the stuff and yes, i've also been told they do crack so in my opinion they are drug heads and addicts!!
  3. So you support drug addicts in your country because your country says it's an insult? What has Leora ever done to any of the people on this forum? I'm not saying I'm right with everything I post but I do know that 2 + 2 = 4. I'm not sure where you are trying to go with all this and why you singled me out but I guess in time I'll find out!
  4. I heard that Yani shot his load and missed her mouth, ended up hitting her in the neck with it and fractured it LMAO
  5. not sure exactly what you are asking here...would you mind approaching it a different way? Yes, they are all adult entertainers, but it's how they choose to entertain their audience that is the key!
  6. you just had to say something that would bring me out of hibernation...Moos, which I assume is short for Moose LMAO, you will have to get up extremely early to insult a man with skin as thick as I have. So, with that being said...don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back 😬
  7. it's because of their actions in the Barca apts, nothing more...nothing less!
  8. you can say any percentage you want Omedo....I can handle it! have a good day....i'm through for now.
  9. i'm done with you people lacking the sense to realize how jacked up RLC is, but it's through fortitude that you all march on!! So, with that being said...enjoy the rest of the lame ass show B4 is presenting to you!! I'm out!
  10. ahhh but not all of my comments are based off speculation. i am sharper than any knife you have in your possession!!
  11. LOL typical response from you...I expected nothing less! The difference is, is that I live in the real world and not some fantasy world where people like you will stop at nothing trying to justify the exorbitant amount of money they spend each month on a bunch of lazy, dazed, and confused sex workers who have absolutely zero "0" to offer society!! You continue to preach to the choir Moos!!
  12. My point is, is that you don't know so regardless if you read it or not it's pure speculation which some of you are entitled to on this forum but I on the other hand am not. What's a forum of sex workers about when they spend as much time out of sight as they do in it, without speculation? It's a boring ass forum for kids like bluewhiner!
  13. You don't know what the status is of Leora's and Paul's relationship, yet you are going to slander her anyway. That's the mentality of this forum lately!!
  14. Believe what you want to, whatever fits into your fantasy world is fine by me!!
  15. The moment Leora starts sucking Malia's boyfriends/husbands cock or touching a mans cock that belongs to another woman, then I might start to change my opinion but until then I will back her every chance I can. The girls of Barcelona are slutty girls and they prove it on a weekly basis!!
  16. Don't go throwing Leora in to this argument, she has done nothing to be ashamed of unlike the rest of the Barca tenants have. I guess that makes you a big man trying to bring her into this and quite honestly I can't see why you would even attempt to do that. Leora's apartment is the closest thing there is to any "Real Life" on RLC right now except for maybe Linda's apartment. Carla's apartment along with Masha's, and all the rest are nothing but a damn joke!!
  17. you are the clueless one Moos. keep living in your own fantasy world! It would be one thing if they were not part of the same "Porn Actors Guild" and they were actually real down home normal people that over time met new friends but that is not the case with these actors. for once in your life, think about it with the head on your shoulders and not with the head of your dingy!!
  18. LOL after all this time you still find both of those events to be strange with RLC.....go figger! I'm sure Moos will be along to tell you exactly why those two events occurred!
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