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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Yes, it is wrong for them to play musical chairs between all the apartments. It only shows how fake the whole concept is. You have this "Porn Actors Guild" of participants where everybody knows each other and it totally diminishes any and all semblance of "Real Life"!!!!
  2. so, am i wrong when i say RLC is a fucking joke and all the Barcelona participants are a fucking joke?
  3. I wasn't going to go down that path with him so I'm glad you spoke up about it and you are absolutely right!!
  4. I told you I was done wasting my time on you and now i'm really done wasting my time on you!
  5. Lucifer doesn't care about Alexandra so that doesn't surprise me in the slightest!!
  6. so does that mean that every time i read a post and there is profanity and cursing in it, that it's offensive and should be reported? well, there you go forum, you all better clean up your act and start acting like bluewhiner wants you to act because I'm going to start reporting anyone that uses so much as an ounce of profanity on this childish forum because we don't want to hurt any bleeding heart liberals wittle feelings!! while i'm at it, I will send a letter to the Admin suggesting he put a disclaimer on the forum for when someone stumbles upon it they will know that this forum is......"This Forum is Rated PG" absolutely no leeway to those that use any type of profanity!! What a miserable joke of a person you truly are!!
  7. LOL you are a joke! Is that being disrespectful towards you or honest towards you? To me, I am being honest on my assessment of you but to you, you will find it disrespectful!! No need to reply to this post as I will not waste anymore of my time on you!!
  8. Like I said Moos, what's good for the goose is good for the gander!! From now on I'm going to act just like the rest of the little kids on this forum and use that Report Button anytime I find a post disrespectful towards a forum member or a participant, and then maybe you powers of the CC universe will see just how idiotic the rules are and update them!! I've never used the Report Button in all my time being on this forum and trust me, that's a long time but I'm fixing to go ape shit with it!!
  9. Is that what you are waiting for? He's supposedly a married man and the only person he should be penetrating is Alexandra....his wife!!
  10. I have nothing else to say, I called a tenant exactly what he is and I'm going to get raked over the coals for it! I promise to be a good little boy to the well deserved and highly respected porn actors of the world and especially the one's of RLC but I can promise you this, there will be a lot of report buttons being pushed from now on.....what's good for the goose, is good for the gander!! You can have your bleeding heart liberal forum and i'll just do my best to sit on the sideline and laugh my ass off at a bunch of sycophant, loser crybabies! P.S. The forum rules must have been made at a time where someone involved with CC was also a participant on RLC themselves!!
  11. First off, just because you might be jealous of the guys in these apartments doesn't mean that I or anyone else is jealous of them. They are paid porn actors so what you see is all fake and a show. I called Lucifer exactly what he is because i'm not going to tiptoe around you crybaby liberals. You are right about one thing though, I was not joking when I called him exactly what he is!! You brought it up to StnCld and Thestarider and let me say, if there is a going to be a time out for me over it, I would at least like to have a conversation about it instead of just being stuck in a corner with nothing say on my behalf. Nobody likes to wake up to a message saying they are restricted from posting on the forum until "XXX" date. So you need to get over yourself and move on bluewhiner! P.S. I will never bow down and kiss the tenants asses like the majority of posters do!
  12. Lucifer showed Rama his true colors that night and as you have probably already noticed and commented on Rama keeps Bonnie as far away from that MF'r as possible!!
  13. and that's what did it all in....that's what changed everything between the two couples!!
  14. I'll take your word for it....porn shows like what is going to happen in B4 after they get drugged up enough is not for me!
  15. Locking them up is the only thing that will improve anything!!
  16. Here is a true story for you all... I just got off the phone with my son who had been talking to his cousin (my nephew) a short time ago. There is a cop that lives in the same neighborhood as my nephew who both my son and nephew hold in high regard. Right now there are at least 7 to 10 police cars outside this cops next door neighbors house fixing to bust in on a this cops neighbor who has gone crazy and who has been recorded as saying he was gong to kill the cop next door. The cop next door said they are going to breach the house and apprehend the guy and haul him off for psychological evaluation. Now, I don't know about any of you, but us good old country boys know there is only one kind of psychological evaluation to be had!! I just hope none of the cops get hurt and no bullets get fired!!
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