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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL that's the way i see it anyway. who knows, i could be really wrong so i guess we will just have to sit back and see what happens
  2. you have to admit, RLC just isn't the same anymore and getting worse by the day or should i say weekends if you know what i mean
  3. definitely not my cup of tea either Max but i know there are plenty of guys on this forum that would literally eat that shit up lol
  4. LMAO it's ridiculous isn't it? I mean, i'm all for them having parties but the BS that goes along with them on this forum is absolute craziness!!
  5. just when i was really getting into liking and reading this thread, it appears to have gone dead. let me try to explain, when i was a subscriber years ago i didn't follow Leora because she had Paul with her. Nothing against Paul, it's just that i wanted to see girls and girls only. now i start getting into the Leora thread again because there is no Paul or any other guy hanging around for that matter. then comes Malia, i like to refer to her as Cleo...short for Cleopatra :). things were doing good and the thread was a buzz until Leora found herself someone else that peaked her interest and so now what is left is really on the slow side to nonexistent. please, nobody take this personal and think i'm hating on anyone, not the tenants or the fans, it's just something that i've noticed.
  6. no sir...i'm pretty sure it's about more lame events like what happened the other night and they are trying to get that pushed around to all the Barca apartments.....just my opinion
  7. i'm assuming this means that one of their many gay friends has arrived?
  8. LMAO....i'm betting they are having a business dinner where upcoming events will be discussed
  9. I think it's the other way around quite frankly but what do i know
  10. Leora is one person and not 6 or 7 in one house that often disappear for hours at a time. I can promise you that what the B4 girls are doing tonight would have already been repeated on many many occasions if there was no pandemic in the way!!
  11. he hasn't chosen anything and if he doesn't like me because i don't like the GOV trash anymore, that's OK too
  12. You obviously don't have a clue about what you say about me. I pray every night that RLC closes shop and until that time comes, I will be here to voice my opinion!!
  13. LMAO the very last thing I will feel is depressed. RLC can shutdown for good and I'd be a happy camper. I still remember when RLC was down for however many days it was when they lost the Russian apartments.....it was funny not being a subscriber and read all the crying posts about it!
  14. you make a post based on nothing and that to me seems pretty worthless.
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