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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I don't appreciate being jabbed in the ribs over the bullshit that goes on in that house with Nelly and her children and I can't stand that fucking Lucian guy!!
  2. Who fucking cares!! With Nelly, Kim, and Lucian being there, there will be more hidden shit going on than you can shake a stick at!!
  3. Good story Sturmchaser. I know a couple of truckers and boy could they tell some stories lol.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that she participated but at least it was with other girls and not those parasites!! r
  5. Thanks Dave, I really appreciate it and I'm glad your wife beat her cancer!! Have a good night my friend!
  6. so what, i've seen girls before, what's your point?
  7. Moos said, "At least we can, you can't, we win, you loose " So I ask you again Moos...what am I missing that I can see everyday for free all over the internet??
  8. I think there is more to the story other than just being Masha's maid/helper. I think when this is all said and done, she might be a roommate. As for what she is showing or not showing is because she has been instructed by the best put it off specialist on RLC. Everything with Masha takes two to three months to materialize so be patient and keep paying your monthly subs and you will eventually see her shower 😬
  9. Sounds like she is making progress at Masha speed, meaning that in a couple of more months you might actually see her take a shower!
  10. so you think unattractiveness is all about looks? People can be unattractive to someone for many different reasons!
  11. you don't have to have a bush on your chest to be a man Ze......LMAO, to funny
  12. maybe your unattractive to them so they lie to you to keep from hurting your feelings?
  13. like I said in my original post, they are lying to you!!
  14. I have yet to ask a woman who hasn't told me that she has thought about it at one time or another when i've asked them!!
  15. Just because they rejected you doesn't mean that they haven't thought about it which is the point i was trying to make. you might not have been the type of woman for which the women that rejected you, had thought about in their mind.
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