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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I'm with you Robert, I'm staying home and only go to my son's or daughters house and it's about to drive my oldest brother nuts....he and I are very close and share the same interests such as hunting, fishing, firearms, reloading, etc. etc. etc.. I'm glad you are doing well and take care of yourself and go easy on that nurse now lol.... Stop in and say hi from time to time or drop me a PM....take care Robert!!
  2. yes....the pissing all over each other and the floors and everything else....talk about disgusting!!
  3. Hi Robert, how have you been my friend? I was wondering how you were doing just the other day and I'm glad to see you posting!! I totally understand why you cancelled Robert, it's the same reason I cancelled several years ago. Yes, the Barca's are beyond boring from what i've been reading and it's just one stupid show after another....almost like when this group is done they text the next group and so on and so on and so on....boring!!!
  4. Yes it was worse but I don't think it was much worse. The Barca apartments now days are just ruined in my opinion and I don't think they way they are being ran is any good for RLC and has contributed to the falling numbers for RLC.....just my opinion of course.
  5. Nobody can make Leora do anything. If it happens it's not because of some words on a forum, it's because she...Leora wanted it to happen. Now stop detracting from everybody's fun and let's move on!
  6. Pathetic is putting it mildly IMO. It's just like the BS with the two B4 girls and Alexandra and Pumpkin head the other day....totally pathetic and only done to compensate for their extended absence of the whole day!! Yes, the further away the better....they can come live with me in Texas and then nobody would have to worry about them again LOL. Plus nobody would have to worry about me with them cuz i'm old and have a bad heart....I would just be a good friend and an ear for when they needed to get something off their chests......see, no worries 🙂
  7. I wish we had a gold star option!! best i could do lol
  8. I don't think I would be either!! Keep Leora and Malia as far away from any of the other apartments as possible!!!
  9. You sir are 100% correct and anybody that would wish such a thing on Malia is just not right in the head IMO!!
  10. Can anybody tell me if Alexandra and Pumpkin Head have left for B4 yet? I'm sure they can't wait to carry on their lame ass show with fake tits and puffy eyes!!
  11. I would pay good money to keep Malia from visiting Masha at all!!
  12. No sir, you didn't read and understand my post and that is all that this post of yours amounts to. I said....you show me one woman that has never thought about being with another woman, and I'll kiss your ass. Let me say it again...You Show Me One Woman That Has Never Thought About Being With Another Woman And I'll Kiss Your Ass!!
  13. First off, the guy Diane banged was not a boyfriend, he was nothing more than a fuck buddy for the audience, picked up by Diane to bring back and make a showing for the subscribers. Every great now and then would be fine but as you said it yourself not every fucking day, the same shit over and over again. The best thing is to keep them out of the GOV's and let them wait their turn for a couples apartment or couples on vacation apartment. IMHO no men should be allowed in the GOV apartments...ever!!
  14. All I got to say is this....you show me one woman that has never thought about being with another woman and I'll kiss your ass!! If you say....I know one, to which I would reply, that girl is lying!!
  15. It's her life, she's half way there, come on Leora answer Malia's prayers. Take her hand, and show her you care, come on Leora answer Malia's prayers Leora says, we've got to hold on to what we've got, It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not We've got each other and that's a lot for love, We'll give it a shot ........ That a girl Leora!!
  16. Thank you, and I'm glad we found each other and enjoyed the time we had together as well!!
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