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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I don't agree with most of what you say but you do have a good sense of humor about you!!
  2. May I ask why you are broke? I mean you obviously have some sort of electronic device that allows you to have internet for which to communicate with the forum so I'm just curious why you are so impecunious!
  3. OMG...if I knew where Alladino lived, I'd drive over there and knock the shit out of him lol
  4. Sounds like Hedgehog and is Higlets are going to be busy tonight 😬
  5. Hey...don't throw me in that briar patch, I just got out of prison and I'm not in any hurry to go back!!!
  6. The difference though Gomer, is that there really is genuine caring for one another and they are not just throwing down to put on a show like the Barca girls do. It's genuine for sure and yes there is a tiny show factor that comes with the job but in their case it's different.
  7. I'm not saying she has to change anything and do you know for a fact that's she is happy with it? Not trying to step on any toes here, just trying to look at it a little different than some of the others.
  8. LOL...simple solution Nick, move to Prague and look for women that are out on the town until wee hours of the morning until you find Leora and give it a shot. Like the old saying goes....nothing ventured, nothing gained or never up, never in....take your pick LOL
  9. I'm all for letting them move at their own pace but I have no doubt in my mind that no bond would be broken if Malia pushed the envelope one time. I believe if she pushed it one time and Leora was like.....hang on wait a minute, you can't put your finger in it. I believe Malia would stop and the next time they were out of the apartment they would discuss it as two close friends would and there would be no hard feelings. On the other hand it could go something like this.....hang on wait a minute, you can put two fingers in it!
  10. When one see's something they want...they go for it!
  11. This is the advice I would give to Malia. I would advise her to push the envelope with Leora and see what happens. They have been best friends for so long that nothing drastic would ever happen between them. It's very obvious from you all's posts that Malia is willing to go further and even if it takes some German Soda Waters to gain more distance, then so be it. I can tell you that from experience that I have pushed it further with a couple of girlfriends back in the day just to see what would happen and it never caused any issues. Anyway, that's just how this dumb ass country boy see's it lol. To me the bottom line is...you snooze, you lose!
  12. I look at it like this, may the best person win Leora's heart and soul....be it male or female!
  13. If you were going to offer advice to Malia in the ongoing dilemma she seems to be constantly facing with Leora as to...should I or shouldn't I try to take this any further, what would it be?
  14. DontAsk...she's only going to do what she wants to do 🙂
  15. LOL I go through life with both eyes wide open and an open mind, tunnel vision has never blinded me like some people!!
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