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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. what you don't seem to understand yet Woody, is that these girls entertain for RLC when outside the apartment/house as well....so these vacationers needing a vacation is bullshit!! It's like Kim and this birthday BS, one of you needs to write the date June 30th, down somewhere so when Kim returns next year to spend her birthday in Barcelona away from her real family and friends, you can see for yourself whether or not her birthday is really on June 30th or that is the SMOKE & MIRRORS RLC is famous for!!
  2. Does or does not, Elettra share a room with Ginger? The room they share would be much better if they moved both of those beds out and brought in a king sized bed and then really took their time to position the cameras around that bed, not cutting off over 2 feet of the foot of the bed by the camera mounted at the foot of the bed. They need one large circular bed in the middle of the room surrounded by camera's so when there has always got to be multiple girl shows the viewer will have a possible chance to watch some of the action because the good lord knows these girls can't do anything with just themselves and one other person. That would make a house for 5 girls and anymore than that is a waste anyway!!
  3. I'm liable to go off at some point today, yesterday I wasn't feeling well so I was very quiet but today is a new day!!
  4. Don't you just love how the girls play musical apartments!! So now, the 3 hard working ladies of the night will have their couple of days without Ginger & Milena...what a fricking joke!!
  5. That wouldn't do any good as long as Ginger and her crew are still there. What RLC needs to do is kick all the girls of B4 out and only Bring in 1 new girl for each room. No more sharing rooms, and then they need to install locks on all the freaking doors so no one can just barge in and interrupt whatever may be taking place. The next thing RLC needs to do is turn the swimming pool into a crocodile pond to weed out the asshole's like Hedgehog, HarryAss, Lucian, Drama, etc etc etc. Last but not not least, install camera's in the hidden master suite in the basement!! One last thing, pay the maids more money to clean in the nude!!
  6. LOL I guess they had to carry the 3 ladies of the night in to their beds, either that or the drug delivery has arrived or Nelly has shown up with more Christmas lights to make you all's viewing pleasure that much better or they actually could be doing maintenance work.......nah, no maintenance work but one of the other 3 is your answer!!
  7. I think i'm going to cruise for awhile and go have a couple of German soda waters and listen to some music. You all have a good rest of your evening or morning or afternoon, which ever it may be!
  8. I personally would rather read about her humping Malia, but that's just me LOL
  9. Nooooooo, fish...chip...bad for Aussie's Koala.....got straight to ass!
  10. Changed some of my meds lol...just kidding JH, just kidding. I just finally decided if you can't beat them, join them 😬 However, this joiner may go off at anytime LOL
  11. It just tells me you don't know anything about Harley Davidson Fatboy motorcycles 😬
  12. It stood out on the video so I think they got the desired affect by color choice
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