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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LMAO, You almost made me throw up in my coffee.....Fiora is disgusting and from what I've read about your buddy Lurch, he ain't no better!
  2. Best thing they can do is close the doors on B5 before Nelly the dope head and Bogdan the warrior end up there!!
  3. A post made by none other than Amandafan and I quote... "Perhaps those who have been pouring dredging over Nelly here for several weeks and day after day are responsible for her collapse. Given her past, totally unjust and inappropriate to burn her down like that. To those who are guilty of these misdeeds, I can only say: Nelly is only a human being who is entitled to her mistakes just as you are entitled to them. Those who see the mote in another's eye and not the beam in their own are not worthy of judging another. My heart bleeds every time I see that scum... Darling Nelly be strong and pick yourself up, because like me there are more people standing behind you..." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spoken like a true "Democrat", always wanting to blame someone else instead of getting off one's ass and fixing the problem/problems themselves!! "Darling Nelly"? WTF? There are flights to Barcelona everyday and from what I've been hearing, there are empty beds as well. Why don't you fly to Barcelona and get with "Darling Nelly the Dope Head" and help her get her sh!t together? Quit blaming people on a forum for her misfortunes and dependence in her life. She is a grown woman and is fully aware of her actions! Nelly, along with Bogdan, can kiss my a$$ and F@ck off for all I care. I have ZERO respect for any of these lazy a$$ people and I'm sick of the LIBERAL minded people on this forum who support them....just because these tenants are a bunch of naked circus performers, performing for one's guilty pleasure!! That's about as eloquently as I can put it!!
  4. I can't believe all the enthusiasm over the B1 girls. Are you people really that desperate? I don't know about Harley yet and the jury is still out on her, but those other 3 are so fake it's unbelievable!! Fiora takes the cake on the most fake tenant that RLC has ever had, followed by Ulyana and then Olivia. You people have been brainwashed!!
  5. What a long, miserable read!! Always the same people saying how good the ridiculous party was and those same people contradicting themselves.........IN TIME!
  6. She's on a freaking porn site and this is one sentence and that's enough!! all in time LMAO No shit Sherlock and I mean that with all due respect
  7. Then tell me why he was there if he's not anyone's puppet?
  8. Seriously, can Tereza and Timur not do anything apart from each other. One token dude to spoil the night....WTF!!! What do you think Mr. Wizard?
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