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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Thank you, I'm glad to know it's not my laptop then!
  2. Is it just me and my laptop or is CC running slow for anybody else?
  3. Good for her but we all know the night is young for Martina!!
  4. It makes no sense why they would go to B2 anyway! I hope you are right and they never grace the doors of B2 during their stay this time but unfortunately we all know that will never happen.
  5. That probably means that Bruno and the rest of the slum lords that hang out with him will probably show up....another wasteful event IMO!
  6. So, all the girls from B4 except for Nelly, are in B1. I wonder what time Martina will show up at B4 to hook up with Nelly? It's such a sad read to here that these girls are still visiting the other apartments. From now on when I speak about this very thing, I will use the words "office cubicle" to describe what's happening. Today the B4 office cubicle is visiting the B2 office cubicle for drinks and a fire side chat that will be completed under the careful observation of pseudo lesbian aficionado Alladino. Probably in a little while office cubicle B1 will join office cubicles B2 & B4 for the show to commence. SAD....VERY VERY SAD!!
  7. I gave them plenty of my money in the past and I have just as much right to be here as the people that are paying now do. I'm here waiting to read that the final nail has been driven into RLC's totally dysfunctional coffin!! The day that happens there will be a huge smile on my face!!!!
  8. The year 2021 has nothing to do with it. Tattoos and outside appearances depict weak people. People with no self confidence, no self pride, and people that are looking to be noticed and get attention.
  9. NO, the problem is that we are all different and being that the U.S. is one of the largest viewing areas of RLC I believe that the majority of the people would rather see participants that aren't all tatted up and constantly on drugs. The viewership for RLC does not consist of a bunch of drug using tatted up people. I totally disagree that these kinds of people are perfect for RLC.....they are perfect for RLC for people like you that don't give a damn about what they purchase!! As for the world evolving, I'm still here so we can just leave it at that.
  10. The upside would be that the person getting banned wouldn't have to waste money every month.
  11. I agree with a lot of what you said but with all due respect, the guests at Masha's act like they don't see the cameras much because they are blitzed out of their mind 90% of the time and they are probably poor to boot. I also have been told that the guests that show up at Masha's are dirty and unattractive. Those are not the kind of tenants RLC needs and honestly, the model types are the worst thing for RLC because they spend way too much time outside of the apartments and when they come back to the apartments they are lethargic and useless. What RLC needs to do is get off their asses and do some thorough screenings for normal tenants that aren't hooked on drugs (spending times in hidden areas and having a person act as a shield out on the balconies while they do drugs) and are not tatted up from head to toe. Masha's guests leave a whole lot to be desired from what i've been told.
  12. I haven't seen anything, simply because I don't watch RLC and if I ever had the desire to re-sub I wouldn't watch any apartment that has the presence of a male in it. In other words, I would never sub to RLC if there isn't apartments without guys in them. I would only want to watch the girls!!
  13. So let me get this straight, Gina and Butthole show up in B4 as not to make the penthouse suite look empty and Radislava says to herself....F@ck it, I'm outta here!
  14. LMAO..."WE" don't have to assume a damn thing! You know what assuming does for you don't you?
  15. I'm sure she would love it @ddhm and we all know her love and affection for Martina....I think you are on to something here, make it happen man!!
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