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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. yes, but the last 2 days, both times the cameras were put back online the workers were still there. if they put the cameras online while the workers are still there for at least another 3 to 4 hours, then why take the house offline to begin with? if they are not hiding something, why take the cameras offline and then bring them back online when the workers are there? it's really not difficult questions and i'm surprised nobody has any comments about it.
  2. she never does anything anyway so why should it matter where she's at in the apartment.
  3. i just have one question for everyone. Why would RLC feel the need to take the house offline for 7+ hours each day only to bring it back online when the workers are still there if nothing shigidy going on?
  4. the only way Kristy would work is if she brought a couple of her friends with her and i personally don't see that happening.
  5. The girls must be loving the new arrangement RLC has gifted them! They are surrounded by Russian men for 7+ hours a day while the house is UM. It's literally a girls dream come true to not have to spend an hour of commute time to the city for such companionship. Can you imagine all the different stages of dress that these girls are parading around the house in while there is no prying eyes....i can, it's in my DNA 🙂 Shame on you RLC for once again not only fucking over your paying customers but the tenants themselves!!
  6. i liked it...does that count? You are just saying what others want to say but don't!
  7. i'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you Ed. i believe that 90% of the times the apartments/house go UM, it's not for actual maintenance. I've seen proof that things happen when the apartments are put UM with my own eyes so i'm not making this stuff up. For the last time, i'm not saying they are all escort girls because now days there is a lot of strippers in the mix, but i can promise you that some are in the escort business. let's just leave it with what i believe and i will leave you with what you believe. Fair enough?
  8. i agree it's a poor solution for everyone, but with RLC that is what you get. i've never seen a business that is as poorly managed as RLC is!!
  9. the girls shouldn't even be there while all the repairs are being done!
  10. i'll refrain even though it's funny how you can't see any movement throughout the house except for the master bedroom and that one other bedroom and the kitchen. I doubt very seriously that the girls will be using the living room. the girls will be loving all the hiding spots!!
  11. LMAO...I would love to give my opinion about this whole situation but I will refrain. I will say that I believe the girls will be happy with the cameras the way they are now!!
  12. i was a big fan of real bates as well! i believe you that they are boring together, probably none of them want to be the aggressor or the one to step out and make something happen for fear of being looked at in a different light...if that makes any sense.
  13. LOL i think i would listen to No. 3 🙂 from what i've heard in the last several months, RLC has hired many strippers. as i don't watch and only read and get info from Taylor, i can't say for sure but it sure sounds like a bunch of strippers are being hired lately.
  14. am i to assume that absolutely nothing happened in B2 tonight with all those girls there??? i actually go out of the house tonight and went to Twin Peaks with my son and and a good buddy of mine. i had a better time watching my buddy trying to arrange a hookup with one of the girls, much more fun then i think any of you all had waiting for something to happen in B2.....that's just a guess but from reading the forum, i can't be far off lol.
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