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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. oh damn......don't tell me that Thes, i'm really bummed now!! was it good and who done it? Amalia and Damira? Who was doing the munching?
  2. i just got off the phone with my son and read this lol. i'm not sure exactly what it is to what you are saying but I can't blame anyone for not wanting to share anymore. i'm sorry if it was something that I would have liked to have seen but that's just the way it is I guess. P.S. what happened lol
  3. i believe from what i remember reading, that it was the Magnificent, Majestic Monica. don't hold me to that but I think that's what I read. they go for those smooth chili pepper guys like yourself!
  4. in most cases it would but with these b**ches, you never know.
  5. not very often with people her age but it does still happen.
  6. take a nagachill pill ! i hope she doesn't read CC, if she does her head may explode!!
  7. the forum is buzzing with excitement and things never seen before
  8. that's sad. i guess she drinks because she might not have the money to buy drugs??
  9. don't get me wrong, i prefer R&R but I love country as well.......hell, I actually love all the music genres.......and even a couple of Rap songs, but only a couple as they were kind of forced down my ear canals by my son, daughter, and my nephew.
  10. there goes the end of the world as we know it LOL
  11. my wife used to wear the same cropped shirt to bed every night. every time she did a load of laundry she washed it. if this girl wears it and you never see her wash it, that's just disgusting!!
  12. You have good taste my friend!! I love it all but prefer R&R. When my son and I are going somewhere in his truck, we listen to mainly country. When we are in my truck it's mainly R&R with some country. When I'm with my daughter it's all country, all the time!
  13. I'm not sure you like the group Little Big Town or you were just trying to find a song that had the lyrics "Girl Crush" in them, but they are one of my favorite Groups! Their harmonizing is great and they have a lot of good songs. So, if you haven't really listed to them you ought to give it a try!!
  14. why would Hakeem want to have a relationship with Asia when he can't keep his dick in his pants around other women? they should have named this apartment......"FAILURE" i'm actually glad that i can't see this apartment, i wouldn't want to look at a desponded Asia!
  15. I had a great day today with the kids and grandkids. Hope yours was as good as mine!!
  16. what seriously makes you think that if another couple comes that you might not get this? it's been mentioned a thousand times before that when one couple leaves to go shopping or play poker or whatever they leave for that the other couple messes around and not to mention the very first person they had visit them, they were naked and putting on their ridiculous click bate shows. another couple isn't going to do anything but make you people salivate over the "will they or won't they" intrigue!!
  17. so I take it that Ariela and Olya have left the building? i wish i could have watched Ariela on a daily basis but that's never going to happen again no matter who shows up or how fine they may be. I'm caught up and would just like to say Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. I hope you spend today with the ones that really love you!! P.S. Alladino, i have nothing to go on with the restart of Kristy's apartment other than there are MILFS there.........I love a more mature woman and that will always be one thing I miss about not being a member of RLC. Thank you for the Happy Father's Day and Happy Father's Day to you as well......enjoy your day my friend!!
  18. Ze, would you please quit talking about those delicious MILFS! You know I can't see 👀 At any rate, i'm off to see the son who has something for me for father's day. take care and happy viewing!!
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