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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. i think you will be alright, they have pretty much perfected all the eye surgeries these days. you will do fine Don't so Don't worry about it!
  2. that's a very strange response in my opinion. i hope they inform you all of what happened!!
  3. there is only one thing that if i lost it, i might as well be dead, and that's my vision!!
  4. i tried that years ago when i had an issue with RLC and they told me that i need to contact RLC support....they weren't much help at all
  5. they should have said no RLC!! that would definitely put pressure on the optic nerves lol :)...........and no Monica!!
  6. Kiko probably spilt his soup in the server room and fried all the servers!
  7. i'm just saying that I don't think they were planning anything like this but they were aware of something like this happening possibly.
  8. yes, i've spoken to some of them myself in the past but that was a long time ago. It will be the only way you will kind of know what happened is if someone talked to one of the tenants but there is no guarantee that they are going to know the real story.
  9. then don't Don't.......take a kid fishing or just go fishing! As for there being a logical explanation.......i'm sure there is but you will probably never know what it was. Good luck on your cataract surgery tomorrow!!
  10. there is not much overhead with a business like RLC other than the obvious and as long as they have been online they have recouped their money 10 fold. the fat cats of RLC are still going to be fat cats and the runts of the litter (entertainers) will just have to find another site to work for. if they are truly shutdown, and unless ordered by the courts, i doubt seriously that any of you will receive any kind of refund.
  11. i'm going to have to go with this and the reason I say that is because this has happened before and it didn't take them long at all to get it resolved and back up and running again. this seems like more of a forced shutdown by somebody with much bigger balls!
  12. lol sure they can Zinc, but think of the money they made right before they shutdown.......it's like a Christmas bonus!
  13. so you think it's just a hosting issue? personally, i think RLC has known about this possibly happening and has been tip toeing around it. it will be interesting to read what they say to you all when and if they do come back online. that is, if they give any kind or explanation at all!
  14. the "502 bad gateway" has happened with RLC before. the problem is now, apparently its been down for sometime. SC said in a different thread that this has been happening to the cam world starting in February. if there has to be only one cam/voyeur site, i hope it's RLC that survives for you all's sake! this could be the end though! P.S. It's funny how the forum has sprung to life from all of this!
  15. i bet everyone is about ready to pull all their hair out by now lol. i'm doing ok with the outage, there is something to be said about being RLC free for over 2 years.....no withdrawal issues 🙂
  16. You are correct SC, if nothing else they can find out for sure what is wrong with her hopefully.
  17. LOL that's what it sounds like to me only because i've had them and your welcome H1
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