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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. is her name still on the list? if not, it doesn't mean that she hasn't left and in that case, that would explain where Kylie and Rus went. They went to see her off to the airport probably. I mean after all, she was one of their play toys off camera!
  2. thanks mate.......my ankle is really swollen and hurts like hell when i try to put any weight on it. it will get better eventually and then i'll be fine.
  3. sorry dude, i saw the emoji and it just didn't mean the same. i'm kind of irritable today, please forgive me
  4. thank you Noldy, didn't think you would respond to my post so thank you. so it took Gina and the rest of the girls that don't and won't ever show anything real on camera other than spreading their legs at the camera, to call Kylie and Rus over to have a little fun while UM.....i get it, i really do
  5. you know what Naga, i'm a very very positive person on REAL shit that matters and not a bunch of adult entertainers for your viewing pleasure. i get things done when they need to be done and with a positive attitude because that's what REALLY matters and not a bunch of girls that have to put on fake shows and show their bodies to make a living. In the REAL world, I'm positive all the time even with my bad heart. Maybe you should try it some time!
  6. One day you will learn that being positive or negative doesn't change a thing with RLC! They have their own agenda and they will stick to it even if it hair lips every pussy cat in the alley!
  7. in the flesh and it makes sense on how he rules the threads lol
  8. so Noldy, tell everyone why you think B2 is UM this time!
  9. knowing all the people involved, i totally agree for your sake
  10. get used to that, you will see the same scenario over and over again.....B3 is one of the worst things that RLC ever did in my opinion.
  11. I think you know where I think they are but just in case you don't, they are at the apt that is UM!
  12. Just out of curiosity, is Kylie and her boy toy at B3? I'm willing to bet that they are not.
  13. it's probably going to be the butler in the kitchen with a bag of flour 🙂
  14. LMAO good sense of humor and a good post.......now where did i put that blowjob machine..hmmmmmm End and you do mean the end of this conversation!!
  15. you are welcome on the wishes! as for SeraVirus, she is gone but for how long? you will see her again because from everything i read about her and B1, it kept the viewers on the edge of their seat just waiting with baited breath to see her give the audience more than just a brief glimpse of her hoohah! the UM when a tenant leaves is ridiculous but RLC insists that it must be for a good reason. it's kind of like watching the premiere of a new show on TV, it's nice to see the new cast of that premiere come through the door and leave when they do, but with RLC everything has to be a big gosh darn secret.......ridiculous if you ask me!! i think Ginger hooking up with any girl would make the viewers happy after what i read about her and that GiGi girl. good luck on that!!
  16. I didn't see what you posted and have no idea of who. from the post above I assume it was a picture of one of the girls on RLC that wasn't even naked and with no distinguishable markings as to alert the stalkers that lambast this forum. why did it get deleted you question? because the rules are too strict about posting the girls of Barcelona that are visible all over the internet if you just want to take the time to look. i have better things to do with my time than just sit in front of a computer and look for these girls on the internet. the only reason i have been so vocal today is because i'm laid up with a very bad twisted ankle, an ankle that i had surgery on a few months back and i'm bored out of my mind lol. at any rate to you.........good post in my opinion!!
  17. I have been through many of them in my time but it goes with the territory. i'm not saying that it couldn't happen, i'm just saying that it probably won't. i have seen the evacuation process worth in both ways. sometimes the people that choose to stay come out alright and other times not good at all. i helped a good friend of mine go and purchase 3 used motor homes and then drive them to Bay Saint Louis Mississippi for his mom and dad, his brother and his sister to live in after a hurricane wiped them out and they were told to evacuate. They got lucky and all of them said they will evacuate in the future. the next day we went through his mom and dad's community and helped the local officials search every home. the homes with no people found got a big red X put on them, the homes with flood victims got a big red X with a O (circle) around it. it was not a pretty site and one that I hope I will never see again, and they were all told to evacuate. so like i said, it works out well sometimes but not all times. it's just a decision that a person has to make based on the information given and acquired.
  18. i bet the bruises are endless! i've seen one pic of her and her bruises and it was quite ugly and unattractive.
  19. Hello H1, First off, I'm not here to start a fight or argue with you or anyone else but once a person crosses the front door of a voyeur site apartment and they are of age, there should be no hiding from them, be it a tenant or guest. they can still turn their backs to the cameras like so many have done over the years, but there should not be a tenant holding up a towel to hide them nor should there be any covering of cameras at any time or hiding in places without cameras or opening a door just to hide. there was at the time I was still a subscriber, way to much hiding from tenants and guests alike. the tenants should be told from day one that this is a voyeur website and if you have guest come over and they want to take a batch or shower or have sex or pick their noses......they are not to purposely hide while in the apt's. like i said, i'm not here for an argument or a fight or some smart ass answer, i'm just telling you how i feel about it. have a good day!
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