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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Excellent Mic....just excellent! Glad to see that you are still trying to keep this thread alive!! Good job man.
  2. LOL no sir, but I appreciate it......carry on with your bad self!!
  3. I don't know what bet you lost, but that is why you shouldn't ever bet 🙂 Update on my left foot......I am feeling 90% better and should be able to start walking on it after I get my stitches out. It is a major relief from the suffering I was in before the surgery. I go tomorrow for a change of dressings and for my Dr. to check the healing and stitches. With any luck I should get my stitches out this coming Friday. Sorry you lost your bet Joey 😞
  4. Let me get this straight, Tina was naked in the kitchen with Megan and porn stud and now the apartment is under maintenance? RLC viewers are getting the shaft again!! Gotta love the way RLC fucks over their paying customers!!
  5. doesn't read to be a very exciting apartment with the three old maids back. Maybe they will turn it on for you if and when Irma is either through spotting or her period is over. At any rate, you all want repeats and with repeats you get this kind of stuff..........a boring read!
  6. Sounds like Megan's soul purpose in the Hotel Barcelona is to parade girls around in front of her trial boyfriend. Sounds like she organizes these get togethers when he is there just so he can see the girls in some form of undress. What a waste of time and money from the sounds of it.
  7. I'm sure they were just finalizing the spectacle that you are going to see tonight!
  8. Is that all that you people want to see anymore, is a freaking show? Why don't you all quit enabling these girls and you might get to see something a little more real and a lot less fake. This forum has turned into a really sad read these days and if you don't believe me go back and read it for the last few months.
  9. Oh...and I forgot to mention, girls that are not home near as much as they are gone from the apartments.
  10. Let me spare you from being disappointed. Before my buddy cancelled his membership to RLC, I was fortunate enough to see a couple of bates and the camera placement was good but the video quality, especially in night vision mode SUCKED! Don't join if you want to be disappointed by the poor video quality, cameras that freeze all the time, constant lagging, or unnecessary Under Maintenance times. Only join if you want to be kicked in the balls over and over again. RLC could be a great site but the people that run it get by with the bare minimum of equipment including piss poor cameras for the most part. If RLC would upgrade their shitty equipment with good equipment and redundancy, it could be a great site!
  11. I bet it was easier to catch up on this forum than it was on replay 🙂
  12. I know, Danaya can have that effect on people. I will remain strong for the both of us. Enjoy her and take care of her Thes.
  13. Excellent choice Mic!! You got to get up and try try try
  14. Right after the Poco pounding she is going to get!! Just wait and see, it's going to happen.
  15. No willpower Thes......I should have known after 6 years of torture by RLC that you couldn't go a month without whipping out that plastic. I thought you were a stronger man than that lol.
  16. Hello ladies and gents, I'm finally awake enough to let you all know how the surgery went. I'm still in pain but nothing like it was and I believe that the pain I'm in now is more from the surgery part of it. I would like to move my foot but the doc said if I do he would personally kill me lol. It doesn't matter it's all wrapped up tighter than Dick's hatband any damn way. They gave me a script for Alprazolam and boy does that stuff help me sleep. They said to take it easy with that medicine because it can get you hooked on it. Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that the surgery went really well and they only had to cut me in 3 places to get all the crystals out. Have a good day, HFB
  17. he will not say anything that he hasn't already said. if you all want to believe that it was Megan's idea then so be it. personally it's just going to be another lame hen party with some touchy feely stuff and that's about it..........unless poco shows up and then you will see what the true plan was. going to take a nap now as I am totally exhausted from lack of sleep due to my gout. enjoy the same show but with wigs this time!!
  18. Outstanding Pirate, simply outstanding!
  19. so which of the #$@%# is going to suck or fuck Poco when he arrives, Mary Bridget Anita or Tina? i'm sure one of you knows the answer.
  20. Very well put and very much correct!! Thank you for speaking up TheGame!!
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