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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Could you actually see the licking or the act of licking? I watched a couple of clips from that night and it was just like any other performance these particular girls have put on. When I say it's another setback, it's not because she is not shy to do things with other girls or she doesn't mind being seen having sex on camera. The setback is that she is not a new girl but one from the same pool of girls they will always use. RLC needs to go out on the streets and find participants that are not in the modeling business and are much more mature than the girls they have been using. Girls that are not attached to each other in one way or another. These girls are out there but RLC would have to get off their lazy asses to find them and that is where everything stops with them. It's much easier to keep dipping into the same flock all the time then find girls that are totally more natural and real to life. They (RLC) use girls that can benefit them in more ways than one. Girls that can go out and entertain the hierarchy of RLC and their clients. Girls that can work clubs and reap the benefits of doing it. Girls that can be used to work private party's knowing they will be compensated in one way or another. Get some normal women on the screen RLC and quit bringing back the old news!!
  2. Don't ever let the tampons and pads fool you. Unless you see blood, they could be for other reasons.
  3. I'm sure it is all about a semi-surprise party for Mila's going away. I've read this many times on here and that is usually the outcome.
  4. I just got off the phone with my buddy and he offered me his login and password for RLC and told me that I could use it until it expires around the middle of September. I told him that I have to decline the offer because from reading the forums there is nothing for me on RLC anymore and to offer it to someone on here. He likes to be anonymous and wants to keep it that way and will just let his account expire. Sorry guys, I tried but he wasn't having none of it. He told me he knows how staged VHTV is but he's liking it better because there isn't all the teasing, and the time the girls spend outside all day to only come home and do virtually nothing. He said VHTV has a way to go with their setup for the site to get to the same point as RLC with all the bells and whistles, but he said he is liking it better. On that note, I'm caught up and I hope you all have a good weekend!
  5. I just got to see the clip of Mary & Bridget from last night and the only reason either girl might have been dripping wet was from the lube that was applied. It was a nice clip none the less.
  6. I was told that there wasn't much going on between them but it's how it appears to the person that is looking at fuzzy thumbnails that counts. Subscription getter for sure. As for Mary & Bridget, the escape all day twins to only come home late at night and put on a teasing show........it was only a matter of time before you actually got to see one girl touching the other girls junk. Same old shit played out the same old way with the Barca girls!!
  7. I'm sorry but I couldn't resist to give you my view on the whole Mila, Alexa, and Aria thing that happened last night. After reading my email after I woke up today, I can say that I believe the whole "SHOW" that happened between those 3 was a desperate grab at getting people to pull out the plastic and join RLC. Nobody can tell me it was anything more than that, I mean........all of a sudden Aria is going to be more lesbo like than she has been this entire stay of hers?? I even read that Mary actually had her pussy rubbed by Bridget (no penetration by fingers) where it could be seen. Sounds like some girls have had a good talking to if you ask me! Sergio said that he couldn't tell if it was a "memorable evening or not" because all people had to talk about was broken wine glasses. I say, it would be hard to tell if it was a memorable evening or not because people just don't discuss things that happen or do not happen on this forum like they used to anymore. The forum has changed and changed for the worse as far as any true discussions taking place about the tenants of the Barca housing projects. Hopefully one day it will get back on track but I don't think that is going to happen because I have been telling myself that for months now. Ragnar made some good points about it being RLC's fault and as much as I hate to admit it (because I hate RLC), I have to agree with him for the most part. Good post Ragnar!
  8. It will never be a horses ass. I'm a bull and I will only use a bulls face or nuts....sorry, the closest thing I could get to a horses ass!
  9. I always do and actually just did take my lunchtime dose. Thanks for the reminder H1
  10. That night will be forever embedded in my mind for a couple of reasons. It was all natural and you could sense the buildup for something to happen upon their return to the apartment from wherever they had been. When they went up to Irma's room at the time and it started happening, it was all emotion and passion until it stopped like I said and that's another reason it will always be embedded in my mind. I felt like someone just grabbed me by the throat and started choking me until I collapsed, I was so upset that they stopped, it could have been one of the greatest scenes ever witnessed on RLC. Believe me, from all the time I watch RLC up until going on 18 months now, there really hasn't been but a few and very few at that....great moments on RLC. RLC is way behind the curve when it comes to great moments!!!
  11. This is the last thing I'm going to say about the Mila & Alexa's disappearing act that took place around 1:30am their time the other morning. If you have replay go back and listen to their conversations before going out, watch their body language, and pay attention to how Mila was from the time they got home until she climbed in bed. If after that, you still think they went dancing, then I can't help you. Many of you on this forum put all credence on these girls social media pages, and if that is how you are trying to follow them or to see what they were up to when they leave the apartments, then there is no help for you. I'm absolutely positive that you are not the only one that new about the "massive house on the hill" as you call it. RLC is a shady organization and always has been and that will never change! Look at the UM that just took place. Is it going to be that every time the doorbell rings they are going to put the house UM? Very strange UM if you ask me. They are the most secretive group of people that I have ever seen! I don't see how they can sleep at night just knowing that everyone must be out to get them because they are so smart and beautiful LMAO!!
  12. caught up.....everybody have a good night and a better tomorrow!!
  13. Fagen, I like you but you have NO clue when it comes to these girls......NO CLUE at all! Last night they went to a private party to get their fuck on and that's exactly what they did. You can hate me or you can like me, it doesn't matter to me, but you need to wake up, listen, and watch things that go on with these girls in front of the camera. I asked you not to question me but you still do. I'll give it some time because you are a noob as far as I'm concerned when it comes to RLC and these girls. Have a good night!
  14. caught up for now. you all have a good evening and I will catch up again later.
  15. Not with these girls. It didn't slow Mila & Alexa down last night!!
  16. The contractual part doesn't make any sense, you are right about that. I don't feel like a person just sitting on a toilet is obscene. It would be obscene if the camera was placed in such a way that you got to see the leftovers when one stood up......now that's obscene! I think the biggest decision for some being off camera is for a hiding place. A prime example of losing a prime hiding spot, is the hall bathroom in B2. There has been a lot of toot consumed in that bathroom with multiple people that you couldn't even see when they moved into the hiding place of that bathroom. The camera in that bathroom will never change for that one reason alone. There are numerous apartments where you can't even see some of the bathrooms at all. Taya's old apartment was this way and probably still is. Nelly's apartment is the same way. The tenants can pretty much tell RLC what they are willing to show and if a camera interferes with that then they have it moved or taken out. A prime example of this would be in Ava's apartment, the bathroom used to have a camera mounted on the back wall of the shower but it doesn't anymore. There used to also be a camera on the far side of their bed that was removed per tenant request I'm sure.
  17. I don't think it's illegal, I just think it is per the tenants request which is BS. The tenants are not dumb when it comes to having their hiding places!!!
  18. Top of the morning to you Fidster, I can only answer for myself about what I always wanted to see out of RLC. I always wanted to see as true to life seduction and passion between the girls of the girls apartments. It only happened once while I was a member of RLC. It happened one night when Irma & Anna came home from a party/event or wherever they had been. Let me go back to before they left for said wherever it was they went. Anna had some drink and you could tell she was getting in the right mood before they left. When returning home they went upstairs in B1 to the master bedroom and you could feel the passion and seduction. Everything was going great until one of them snapped for a minute and remembered the cameras. It was a very very disappointing night for me that's for sure. It was hot, erotic, sensual, and passionate while it lasted and I for one wish they would have continued. That is the kind of stuff I always wanted to see on RLC but only with the girls......no boys allowed in my fantasy world!! The problem now with RLC is these girls are told to tease it up and do whatever they can to make it look real, hence all the hair in the way and the bad body positioning or the fucking covers that always seem to get in the way. What RLC needs to do with B2 or B4 is bring in a couple of true, good looking lesbian models and let them have fun without stepping in the freaking way. There is enough of the fake, teasing shit happening to last oneself a lifetime already. Bring in the true lesbians and keep Nora out of the damn way!! As for the couples apartments, if that is what you're into then more power to you. I could care less about watching hetero sex. The last thing I want to see is a guys hairy ass or ball sack in my face and with most of the couples that is what you get mainly due to body positioning and poor camera placement. Anyway, enough said I need to get something to eat so I can take my medicines. Have a good day Fidster!
  19. Caught up. Well I can see that I was right again. The only reason Alexa is at B4 is so her and Mila can mesh with what they do on nights like tonight. I'm sure their pockets will be full by the time they come home! Tonight, will be Mary & Fridget's time to stay out all night and not return until late morning. Hell, Ksusha stays out for almost 37 hours and hardly anyone had anything negative to say about it. The people of this forum have become so complacent with what these h@@k##s do it's not even funny anymore. Goodnight all!
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