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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Natural = not made or caused by humankind. I didn't see it last night but I did get to see the video of it 2 days earlier and what I didn't see last night was a carbon copy from what I was told. You know as well as I that unless any of these people are in a committed relationship that you will never see anything close to being natural! Nina & Kira are natural, their emotions, their tears, their arguments, their fights, all natural or at least it used to be when I watched RLC but what you have in the Barca places is all for show and to get new subscriptions!
  2. Since it's a very slow morning with all the obvious comatose action that is going on in B2.........thank you Aria for doing your job LMAO..too funny!
  3. I understand your sentiments about meat, it's just that is how I grew up. We had a large family of meat eaters, all my family hunted except for my sister, even my mom was a big hunter! We all loved to fish as well so there was always an abundance of meat & seafood which was needed with a family so large. I would have loved to have grown up in a different culture to experience the joys of different types of food. Sure, I can get some Caribbean dishes where I live and most other cultural dishes but it's just not the same as if you lived there. I have found one Indian restaurant that is pretty damn good I must admit. When you abstain, everything begins to look good!!
  4. I saw the first scene with Nofie & Mila and even though it was hot, it was still a scene. There is no real intimacy or real passion between the girls. It is all for the cameras and the show and that is all it will ever be until there is a real lesbian couple brought into one of the Barca apartments/house. When I read my email this morning I was told that Nofie & Mila didn't sleep all night (wonder what they were on) except for a cat nap here and there. Very strange activities in B2 that are going on that's for sure!
  5. LOL...sounds like they need to change Naomi's name to Nofie! I was told that she did everything she could to not show anything except for some boob licking. The apple didn't fall far from the tree that's for sure. Keep in mind that I didn't see it but had the chance to. He said it was damn near a carbon copy of the other morning and I said I'll pass.
  6. Joey.....you are a stand up guy for sure!! Thank you for your service and the service you help provide to others with disabilities!!
  7. LOL that truck is my baby......it's like a woobie cushion for me 🙂 The Vette is a Sunday driver if the weather is nice. The meat is the best part LMAO
  8. One of my friends drives a Ram and it's a pretty nice truck. My son-n-law also drives a Ram but he goes through vehicles like he changes his underwear!! $32k not bad.....I thought they gave those trucks away LOL.
  9. I'm sorry Lets, I totally missed that lol. Carry on and forget everything I said.
  10. Sorry I'm late, it is worth a look for sure. Mila is quiet hot and very erotic in my opinion. You won't see any actual tongue action but she played the part well!
  11. B5???? There is already to many B's as it is. RLC can't handle the B's they have now!!!
  12. I would love to reply to your post Thes but I'm only an observer of the forum and go by here say. I wouldn't follow Adri or her sideshow Mary Marta if I was a member because it's always going to be where they go out all day and come home and put on some sort of lame ass show for the viewers to make up for their time away. What drawls them to be out almost everyday, if not everyday, and then return for their few minutes of "lets now do something for the people that are paying for us to stay here"!!! It's always the same shit everyday and I don't buy that "it's summer and it's always slow during the summer" BS. I could go on about why they are out but most of you already know my stance on that!!!
  13. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to disagree. The way you come off with this statement is very one sided. I don't know how the women are where you come from, but the majority of the women where I come from are not drama queens and they can hang with any man at any time. I totally LOVE southern women, they are not all into themselves like you would see on a drama website such as RLC. They are wholesome, fun, and very caring and their best attribute is they like to have fun without all the drama. The downside of all that is this.....don't fuck them over and be true to them or you will suffer a miserable existence. Other than that, I would take the women where I live over any of the other women out there!!! The whole thing about the more women have to deal with, the more men have to deal with is a false statement in my opinion. The women I know where I live, they don't look at it that way. They just say F'it and keep having fun. They are loyal as long as you don't become one of the statistics of a failing, cheating, relationship. My hat is off to the women down south!!!
  14. Shouldn't there be a category for those of us that don't watch the drama or lack there of?? I would like to vote but I would give my vote to......it doesn't matter to me!!
  15. I was told that with the show that Adri & Mary put on last night that Mary was really a drama queen. He said her moans could probably be heard in the hills. I didn't see it because I just didn't want to and he told me that I really didn't miss anything.
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