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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Caught up....have a good night to those of you that are going to sit up until the ladies of the night are home!
  2. You are correct Daily, the viewer only see's what they want to and there are a bunch on this forum that want to keep these girls as angelic as possible and only because they think it benefits them!!
  3. You have to apply the rule of 3 with the "100". If the girls says "100", multiply it by three and that will give you the true number. "100" X 3 = "300" It's the same for if a guy or a girl says they have only been with 1 person sexually. Multiply 1 X 3 and then you get the true answer at a minimum which is "3". The rule of 3, it does not fail !!! Now, lets get to the seriousness of this post. "I do not want to think badly".......sorry Mauri, you already did by saying that. These girls are not and will never be your girl next door types. These girls make money off their looks and bodies and all that implies! The sad thing about this forum is that I'm one of the only ones that has the balls to call these girls out on what they do! I guess you all think that the telephone call that was heard by Mary and Fridget that was translated by you Mauri was purely real? That's as much BS as it is real! When these girls let you hear what they are saying, it's all SMOKE & MIRRORS!!!!! When they whisper or talk outside or in rooms where there is NO microphones active, that is the real stuff!! You all can think whatever you want about me and I don't care, but when it comes to logic and having a good sense of feel about things, you all know I'm right. What happened tonight with Mary & Fridget was already planned a long time ago, nothing real about it. These girls put on a very fake show and their words that are heard are just as fake! M & F are out earning and that's all there is to it! I remember when Mary first came to B4 and I read about her and Adri putting on a show for Mary's supposed BF which by now I think you can all believe was total BS and was only done for the viewer!! If not, and I repeat, IF NOT, then all Europeans are a bunch of cheating, lying S@#$s!!
  4. They have been planning and preparing for it for over a week I was told. They had been shopping for the new out fits for it as well. Are you another one that thinks they went to a club to dance and drink?
  5. Last night they didn't go to a club, they went to a private party in a hotel.....I hope you understand! When Mila got home and took her shower, she stuck a finger in her pussy and then tasted it. Why do you suppose she did that? When Mary took her shower she practically stuck her whole hand up her cunt just trying to wash it out......hmmmm wonder why! When Elly took her shower she got in the shower with her panty's on because they were filthy dirty from the private party. Eventually she took them off and washed them along with herself. When Mary got home she couldn't wait to go to her bathroom and get out of her panty's and then wash them. None of the girls returned home with any club bracelets which is not normal for them when they have been to a club. Where do you think Mila got the new Apple ear buds and the new Apple watch? I guess they give those away at clubs!! Pay more attention and you might learn something.....I hope you now understand!!
  6. Fagen, you just keep thinking the way you think about these girls, eventually when you've been around long enough you will understand!
  7. I'm caught up. Quick and boring read as usual for the Barca apartments/house. Have a good night all!
  8. Don't go Smoke, you are one of the ones that I really like on this damn forum! I can understand your willingness to leave RLC, I left it 17 months ago! I like your free thinking attitude and nonconformance! Think it over and I hope you stay. If not, I appreciate the points but don't know why you gave them to me lol.
  9. What makes any of you think it's these girls boyfriends? How many guys do you know that would stay on the phone with their girlfriend for as long as you people say they do? A guy will stay on the phone longer talking to a buddy of his than he ever would talking to his girlfriend! Everything these girls do whether it's in front of a camera or in front of their phone, they do for money and know one can sit hear and tell me that the guys they are skyping with or facetiming with are for sure their boyfriends. What you people ought to be sad about is that the whole bath thing sounds like it was done for someone on the phone more than it was done for the voyeurs watching. I could be wrong as I have been wrong once, but I doubt it LOL.
  10. or maybe they had a wild threesome at his place all night long 🙂
  11. Some prepaid cards are only good in the US. You need to see if that is the case with your prepaid card. Some are good for international use and some are not and I'm willing to bet that yours is not. However.....it probably saved you from a lot of disappointment and heartache!! Good luck in any case.
  12. This is the shady, hidden side of RLC. When the UM is over, all the girls that were gone will be back home and you the viewer will be left in the dark with what was so important that you couldn't see what they came home with. This has happened many many times in the past and will continue into the future. SMOKE & MIRRORS!!!
  13. Caught up. You all have a good night and just remember.....tomorrow is just another day that things will remain the same on RLC!
  14. I would say it was all because of nympho Masha and tired of Masha only Sasha lol. Yeah it reads to be a very boring apartment and the only reason I read it is because of what you posted. I liked "V" when I used to watch but now she just doesn't matter to me anymore. I hope it gets better for you and the others, there is enough boredom already with RLC by the sound of it!
  15. Keep me posted Thes if they ever do get an English speaking lesbian apartment. Please and thank you!!
  16. I guess it figures it would have to be a damn couples apartment. I would have joined if it was a lesbian apartment!
  17. I'll be damned lol, I didn't know they had an English speaking apartment. When did they do that Thes? Is it a lesbian apartment?
  18. Yeah....she is a looker for sure! You are very precise and correct with everything you said in this post. It would sure make for some better reading in the forum if they read this post of yours and put that into action. I hate to say it but the best thing that could happen to RLC is to get rid of Nora but I'm afraid that will never happen and as long as she is still around which we all know she is, I will never even think about subscribing to RLC again. I'm sure that everyone else is tired of the virginal acting early 20 year olds with their junior high games of twister, beer pong, charades, body painting, clay dildoing, chocolate body rubs, etc. etc. etc. I would say to complain to RLC but unfortunately it wouldn't do you any good. Not including sleep, are the girls still staying out of the apartment more than they are staying in the apartment? I've got a lot of catching up to do so I better get to it.
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