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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I agree with you whole heartedly ZE. A forum should not contain only positive posts on a subject matter. I've been a member of many different, diverse forums and not any of them are always positive. People have different thoughts and feelings about them and forums are the place to discuss them, good or bad.......it's the nature of the beast!!
  2. If you enjoyed it that's all that matters. Just remember that all those girls that were involved with him that night, are no stranger to him and have probably done it numerous times with him before.
  3. WOW......now this is a funny post!!! Keep on keeping on Ze81, you have as much right to say how you feel as this jack wagon!!
  4. She reads it all and doesn't give a damn just like the rest of the RLC staff. Don't think for one minute that they don't know how to play Nora's games!!
  5. I said the same thing Bud when I seen that it was her coming back. Sofie is such a fake it's unreal!!!
  6. That's not I was told. I was told it was another BS show with nothing real to it and that I didn't miss a damn thing. So you are easy to amuse, I get it but don't keep coming off with all this great stuff that IS NOT happening!!
  7. She is the one that started the Barca apartments and that little (Derogatory) looking dude of a man that is supposed to be her husband had no choice. I'm sorry you don't get it Emmett but there is an apartment for the Jasmin's, Blairs, and Candy's that choose to have a guy stay with them and let me say it one more time for you........it's called the couples on vacation apartment!!!
  8. You get it....others don't!! Thanks for speaking up whether we watch it or not.
  9. My hat is off to you and I don't blame you Robert!! It's like deja three now isn't it!! Let the cry babies stick with their couples apartments and keep the girls apartments for just girls!
  10. Is that the new thing RLC is shooting for now.........sympathy money!!
  11. Your are right Emmett, just very normal girls doing what very normal girls do. Enjoy it brother, after all you are the one paying for it!! Have a good evening!!!
  12. I just dropped in to catch up and now I'm leaving to have dinner with my son. Last night it was superb prime rib.....his choice. Tonight it's going to be mud bugs......my choice. You all have a great night and enjoy the spectacle!!
  13. Hello all, I must say it really bothered people that this morning 2 people who don't even watch RLC said something about the the presence of guys in the girls apartments. You all have been talking about all darn day. I personally don't care if every girl brings a guy to the house or B2, hell, I wish they would so that you can see all the very natural & very normal 1 guy & 5 girl jacuzzi baths that go on when they are there. Hell, just think of it, you could then have 14 girls and guys all smoking and hanging out in the big tub together......enjoy the show and it's all show with nothing natural or normal about it!!! I'm glad it bothered some of you that 2 people could make a topic last all day!!
  14. The last thing I'm going to say about it..........I only watch lesbian porn and female self gratification!! I'm out of here now and have a good day Emmett!!!
  15. I'll leave Candy and the next chosen one to you all. I can see that I'm not wanted here and I refuse to get upset over a bunch of BS. Have a good day!
  16. LOL I'm not a man hater at all. I have a bunch or great friends that are men and we get together and cut up all the time, but do I want to watch one of my buddies having sex.....the answer to that is NO. I would much rather be having my own sex instead of watching it. I guess what gets me more than anything is why would people pay $45 to $75 dollars a month to watch guys fucking girls when it can be watched for free all day long if that's what you want to do and you don't have to put up with all the silly games that go along with it. You don't have to watch it 24/7 waiting for something exciting to happen!!
  17. Sorry mate, just giving my opinion whether I watch or not. If you want to call it bitching, then so be it. If it's what you want to see then it should be done in the couples on vacation apartments....that's all I'm saying.
  18. That is part of the problem, but the biggest part of the problem is they over extend their stay. If it was for a night or two, that would be better but not weeks at a time which by the way, you people are paying for!! Course......who cares it only cost pennies a day LMAO...
  19. I personally don't see what is so exciting about seeing any of the Barca girls having sex. Jasmin having sex didn't interest me in the least and certainly not Blair. I guess if I was a paying customer and the girls acted totally natural when there was a guy around it wouldn't bother me so much, but when they go out of their way to look like a bunch of kids in front of the guy, that's what gets to me. It happened with Blairs guy friend and Jasmins guy friend and it will happen with Candy's guy friend. Just another bunch of childish games that people are going to wish something more would happen and it won't.........peoples own fantasies!!
  20. I'm with you Rockin, I'm glad I don't contribute and haven't for the last 15 months. It's all a joke and a game to these people and their way of mocking the paying customer whom they don't give two shits about!!
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