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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I like the new love nest......it makes it a whole lot easier to catch up LOL. I'll catch up later....see yah!!
  2. This is a prime example of what I'm talking about. You and many others obviously love Irma, for myself she was just OK. She made some things happen and I get why you and others like her, but for me.....I could take her or leave her.
  3. I know that everybody is different and that everybody subscribes to RLC for different things or reasons, but you can't tell me that everybody wants to see bates that happen 99% of the time in poor lighting conditions or with covers in the way or sex under covers or girls hiding to have sex or do what you probably know they are doing......I'm sorry, I just don't buy it!!
  4. DES, do you actually think that people pay the outrageous price to watch RLC for the poor lighting, the tea candle baths, the lagging & freezing cameras, the replay that doesn't work half the time, the constant teasing and piss poor shows that go on all the time, the forever hiding places, the under cover bates, the unnecessary UM times, the build up to be let down yet again? The answer is NO, they get to see the girls naked.......big fucking deal! After you have seen any of the girls naked a couple of times, it is always the same. How was Neia & Doms bath........I bet there wasn't nothing to it and I didn't even watch it. How do I know this, there was no talk about it other than they are preparing a rose and tea candle bath. Am I starting to make any sense here? The bottom line is there is not enough action on RLC in the only apartments that are worth a shit, for the cost of a subscription. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times......I would be willing to take quality over quantity any day!!! With RLC you get neither of those really.......way too many couples that need to be flushed and spend that money on quality...ie: no lagging and no freezing of cameras, better cameras all the way around and get rid of the POWDER room hiding places!! Sorry, I just don't get where you are coming from sir!
  5. I couldn't agree more with everything you said in this post RAG.....well said and very truthful. The "much more dramatic" part is so accurate it's not even funny! The girls are current strippers or some maybe ex-strippers, some work in porn....whether it be photo modeling or actual participation, some are models like Kamila & Kristy....the others are like the skinny chick that used to occupy the bedroom in B2 that is now occupied by Nada Neia and Beatrice. I have been saying all along that most of these girls are in the porn industry in one way or another but I got chastised for it big time because that is not what the protectors of the girls wanted brought forth on this forum. You are right 100%....thanks for your post!! The camera angles are the way they are because of the girls, not because that is where RLC wants to put them. Who gives a fuck if you can see a camera on a voyeur website? It's to protect the girls because that is what the girls that agreed to be on a voyeur website wants. It's a scam and the re-billing is a bunch of shit.....I totally agree with that statement!! The camera angles will always be shit and will never go away! This new apartment has a boat load of cameras, so how hard would it be to have more that cover every angle? The answer is it wouldn't, but because of the girls it will never happen!! I'm caught up so have a good night RAG!!!
  6. LMAO.....it never has been about the sex with RLC. They are trying there best to stay away from that!! To give you the false real life scenario.
  7. She will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time she is here and now days, that means forever!! There is no telling how long she has been in Spain and my guess would be that she never left after she left B2. Have a good night Ed :)
  8. NO bate counts unless you can see it and absolutely confirm it.........I agree Naga
  9. ItsMe......that is absolutely one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Could you imagine driving anything....anywhere....and not even having to keep your hands on the wheel? Simply spectacular my friend.......nice find for sure!!!
  10. I figured as much MUSA. The one place where the views suck for a massage. Cam 2 is virtually useless and the lighting is poor unless it is in the daytime. Enjoy......I'm outta here!!
  11. It just doesn't get any better than that!! It only took 3 years to see a drug filled orgy at B2, what did you expect!
  12. LOL on the contrary, if you take the right substances you can last just as long :)
  13. LOL goodnight all, you all deserve a good nights sleep after all the action you witnessed tonight!!
  14. Bingo SC, but that would entail RLC spending money and that is something that you and I both know they hate to do! Are the B1 girls in a new pad, of course they are to the viewers but I'm willing to bet that they have had that place for a long time. I'm willing to bet that that is where all the VIP's would go to be entertained by all the girls that have graced the doorstep of RLC. Smoke and Mirrors my friend.......SMOKE & MIRROS!
  15. That sounds like a good thought but unless they are fucked up or drunk, it won't change a thing.
  16. Amen my brother, I couldn't agree with you more!!! It doesn't do anything but make the girls do less because with all the suck asses saying it was great encourages nothing more than what they are already doing!! Well said Larskogge!!!
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