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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL I guess it's because I can't believe some of the posts that are made to this forum!!
  2. Believe what you want Spider, I'm tired of wasting my time with you people!! Have you ever thought for one second that they wanted to have an all girl party where sex was probably involved and they didn't want anyone of you to see it??? All the signs were there, believe what you want as I said! P.S. RLC is making money whether the girls have sex outside the apartment or while the apartment is UM or when they are home and hiding.......no skin off their back when they have loyal fans such as yourself!!
  3. Well Cacjc LOL, I do have a few friends on this forum and 2 good friends that send me clips of the action or should I say lack of action of what goes on in the apartments.
  4. Not complaining Phantom......just stating the facts that you can't seem to handle!!!
  5. Hello most of you.......I was going to put a post in the Rants & Flames section but I decided after reading the few posts that I have read since I got up from hibernation, it's a lost cause. Those of you that see nothing wrong with the party that went on while B2 was UM, will always see it as being no problem. I quit subscribing to RLC at the beginning of this year for that kind of thing which sheds a whole new light to hiding. It's bad enough they hide out of sight in bathrooms, under the covers, hallways, balconies, etc. etc., but to take an apartment under maintenance so a party can take place is just absolutely a bad slap in the face to the very people that provide them to be there in the first place. By the way, from the short videos of the apartment when it came out of being under maintenance, Nicole was in her bed asleep, Sofie was dancing naked at the foot of Lola's bed with Lola in the bathroom fixing to shave her pussy with an electric razor and Anna was pretending to be asleep on the bed. The bathtub as seen from Cam 10 was full of a milky looking water that was draining when the cameras came back up. Shortly after the cameras came back up, Sofie retrieved some of her clothes off the toilet seat in Lola's bathroom and took them back to her room. Now, I don't know about you but if you think that you didn't miss anything while the apartment was under maintenance, then you as a person have a serious problem!! I believe there was a party where at least Lola, Anna, Sofie, Polya, and Helen were involved. Not a pre-party as some of you have said. I also believe the the guys that brought that one girl to the apartment at what hour it was, were the only ones that were at any club and they contacted Lola to tell her that they were on their way over to the apartment. That is when Sofie put on her one piece dress to get ready to let them in because Lola still wasn't ready. After the guys and the girl showed up, one of the guys was helping Sofie clear off the dining table and he repeatedly said that he was not going to touch those banana's. You all can think or feel how you want, but you all got majorly ripped off by RLC and the tenants last night!!! P.S. I read where someone said it didn't look like any of the girls had sex with the guys and they are just being girls on vacation.....more or less were his words. What I have to say about that is you have missed the point all together!! Nobody is against the girls having fun or sex if they want to, but when they are in the apartment they should be seen by all with no hiding what so ever!!
  6. I just got through reading a long email about what went on from the time the UM was over and until Sofie went to sleep. I will be posting in the Rant's and Flame wars when I get up today.......reason being, I'm going to tell it like it is to all of those people that have been laughing at me when I knew that they took the apartments offline sometimes for sex parties and have been saying that all along. The great defenders of RLC.......what a bunch of crap!! I encourage everyone of you to send an email to RLC support about what they did tonight, what they allowed to happen. I would say to cancel your subscriptions but I know from some of the posts I read in the forum, that is a lost cause. I guess some of you would rather take it up the ass, then stand up to RLC for their wrong doings. At any rate, it's been a very long night for me at the hospital and I need some sleep!
  7. Actually JayP it's both, the tenants and RLC, both guilty!! Unfortunately they will never allow that to happen.....that would cook their goose for sure!
  8. I read where someone bought masks and I'm sure if you all went back and reviewed the replay videos there was probably a bunch of whispering and talking under their breath. Tonight was all planned by Lola & Anna and nobody will convince me otherwise. They probably had the girls plug stuff in that they new would trip the breakers and upon resetting the breakers they would just trip again so that Lola & Anna could make their phone call to the guy/girl that pulls the plug and tells them to put the apartment UM & that they have nothing to worry about because all the suckers who pay to watch them will think it's an actual breaker issue. Not only that, if it's a bad breaker, I mean come on now.....how long does it take to replace a breaker!! When I moved into the house I'm in now I replaced the main breaker in 40 minutes and that was with pulling the meter. It's a joke, a mockery, a fucking slap in the face what these girls are allowed to do because the people that run RLC have their heads up their asses and don't give a fuck about you customers. I agree with whoever said that there should be emails flying over to RLC support about this crap. But who am I.......I learned my lesson!! P.S. It's just like the B1 apartment when it went to UM twice in one day......when it came back the first time from UM I was told that the two new girls were nowhere to be found. When it came back from UM the second time the two new girls magically appeared when it came back. Coincidence you say........I say bullshit!! Have a good day!
  9. Caught up now so I'm outta here.......hope they get out of UM for you all soon. Have a good night hopefully!
  10. It's gotten ridiculous with what RLC is doing......or should I say NOT DOING for their subscribers!!
  11. I agree with you Beldonn1, I have been trying to get them to change the rules damn near ever since I came to this forum. I believe that whatever is said, as long as it is said inside the apartments, you can post that on this forum. What they don't want (which I think is ridiculous) is for you to post stuff they might say on their social media which is public information brought to you by the world wide web. If their accounts are not private then they don't give a crap who knows what or who reads what about them. I actually think they get some kind of kick out of it personally. The rules on this forum are in desperate need of change!!
  12. It could appear to read that way but I think you obviously know the answer to that question already. They all act like it's just a game!
  13. There is nothing....and I repeat nothing that I find sexy, sensual, or pretty about Polya. I didn't care for her body with that flat butt, or for her double chin which I'm sure she still has, and not to mention that she smokes like a chimney!! Lola when made up is OK. I would take her over Polya any day!! Anna, she didn't do a thing for me when I was a member and the way she acted was a total turnoff for me.
  14. That's a big "IF" LOL, but I'm not going there LOL. These girls are not the typical girls like you would meet standing in line at the grocery store......that's for sure! I don't know what time Sofie left last night but I do know what time she got home according to the forum. Did she bring back any bags from a shopping trip, probably not! Was her arm about to fall off from her purse being waited down, that's more the possibility I would think. Was she dressed exactly the same way when she got home as when she left?
  15. Actually, they could send them all home and bring in some normal girls for y'all. Girls that don't live in the adult entertainment world!
  16. She must have slept well wherever she was!! Do any of you think it's getting old with all their sexcapades being done outside the apartments? I'm not trying to start a war with that question, it would just be nice to read some true, honest words on the state of the Barca girls from the members of CC. What they do when they are home doesn't make the highlight real anymore......so what do you people honestly and truthfully think about these girls and their absences knowing that you are paying for something you don't get to see!!!
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