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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. If Helen is leaving I wish her the best. At the same time I want her to know that she didn't fool me for one second with all the BS she put on that chalkboard!!!!
  2. Never mind......I just realized that was a stupid question, if she did anything it's better than anyone of the other girls!! Disregard please.
  3. I have to disagree with you Meran......Belle had nothing to do with it, these girls are in a special circle and those of you that look at their social media know exactly what I mean. Let's just say that RLC has their hands in more than one pie!!
  4. Can somebody tell me exactly what Sofie did to earn so much praise from the forum?? I would really be interested in knowing.......thank you.
  5. I'm in the country taking a break from the heat and getting caught up on CC and I was wondering if anybody could at least lie a little bit and make it seem like I'm really missing something exciting in the Barca apartments LOL. Y'all have a good day!!
  6. I'm sure they have had plenty of "munchfest's" where you couldn't see it like when the apartment was UM the other night or when they are away from the apartment with that pervert photographer. You have seen how it will be if they are in the apartment, there will be plenty of covers, sheets, pillows, and poor lighting if it was ever going to happen.
  7. Like I said in an earlier post, I never followed their activities or the apartment unless I would logon and find Maya at home by herself and in the pre-tattoo days. I can't see how any of you would think that what happened the other night was not preplanned. There has been too many people that has seen them both looking at CamCaps and for her to do what she did the other night would mean that she doesn't have a brain cell in her head. You can not convince me that they didn't or don't have some kind of mutual agreement with each other on what happened the other night. There is always the possibility that she totally lost her mind for a few minutes of passion but I don't believe that for a second. I agree from what I have read that there is trouble in Denmark, I think that goes without saying but for her to purposely do that to Stepan would be a major slap in his face and from what I know about Maya, I just can't see her being that way. Am I just way off base here or does anything of what I said make any sense?
  8. You can clock me now Nodus, I'm outta here to get a haircut and get some money for the weekend. Catch y'all a little later before I head out of town. Keep it between the ditches bitches LOL.
  9. One day some will wake up and others never will. I'm just talking about myself and what I did for me.....best thing I ever did lol. Why would I support something I'll never see and the way things are going these days with RLC, the people paying are paying to see empty apartments the majority of the time because even when they are home.......they are still not there!!
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