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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I agree, but I'm not talking about some girl or woman in your hometown. I got started into voyeurism because of my sister lol, let me explain before people go getting all weird on me lol. My sister was very popular and when she was in junior high school she would always have sleepovers and one night I had gone to the kitchen to get a glass of milk and on my way back to my room I noticed one of her girlfriends changing her clothes in the bathroom. I stood there with this deer in the headlights look, looking at this girl until she started heading to the door that she didn't shut all the way. I quickly stepped back into the living room and then proceeded to walk past her as she was going back to my sisters room, she looked at me like....what are you up to, until she noticed the glass of milk in my hand and then she just smiled and went on about her business......I was almost busted big time. That is what got me into voyeurism and started me on a path or seeing everyone of my sisters girlfriends in some sort of undress and then it just snowballed from there LOL.
  2. I would go on and on with you about RLC but the bottom line is they are a greedy bunch of ASSHOLES!!! They simply have a product that hooks people right in the corner of their mouth......like a fish. The sad thing to me, and I was one of the biggest perverts you will ever meet, is how easily people get hooked on this shit (no pun intended)! Thanks to a true and dear friend, I finally gave in to what she was saying and she was right, and she was not the only one, my son would go apeshit when I was on the computer watching RLC. He would always tell me.......dad, with all the interest's that you have, I must say that you are really wasting too much money on a bunch of slutty girls that you will never know or have any contact with. After that discussion, I thought about all the money I had wasted and made a decision to give it up.........best thing I ever did!!!! We could talk for days on what the structure of RLC is, but the bottom line is that nudity and sex sales. The person/person's that put RLC on the web understood the exact same thing. They will always try to cover their tracks and that is understandable! In case you haven't noticed it in your life, there are a lot of weak minded people out there, and I used to be one of them!! In closing, I do like the money laundering idea even though I'm sure it is as far from that as can be!!
  3. LOL Doxie, enjoy the UFO landing! I'm sure it will be 1,000 times more interesting than reading this forum!! As for lesbians, yes I believe they are but only in private or UM or with a sheet covering up their hanky panky!! As for seeing it someday. LOLOLOL not unless it happens and my friends send it to me, my days of RLC are way over no matter what I read or see in pics/vids. Tell Nanu Nanu I said hello after they have landed :)
  4. It hasn't been good for quite some time!!! RLC is a money pit for people with no willpower!
  5. Hello Kalev don't take this the wrong way but it has nothing to do with being polite. RLC is a porn site and what wife would want to discover that her significant other is secretly watching any site, porn or not where there are younger ladies showing themselves to people that pay for it. I can tell you real quick........NONE! Keep it discreet and enjoy it and I don't blame you for wanting to keep it hush....hush!! Have a good night!!
  6. Come on man.........that kiss was long overdue for all the people complaining about all the teasing they had done. That kiss, all be it a hot one, was all for show once again!
  7. Because what you see in those apartments is always for the cameras. There has never been any true love or even close to it in those apartments. There has never been any art of seduction, or anything out of the blue with any of the tenants of those apartments. It's all for show and getting people to MT their wallets. There is nothing genuine about anything in the Barca apartments!!
  8. I think at this point the novelty of the Barca apartments has totally worn off. I say to get rid of the Barca apartments and all the girls and bring on two new apartments where the girls that are there don't think or have anything to do with any kind of modeling, girls that want to be there for you people and not outside for other people!
  9. The bottom line is the kicker LMAO......."Thank you for your patience". It should read.....Thank you for your money, we don't care about your patience!!!
  10. Can't say's I blame him ........ I would do the same thing LOL
  11. My 2 cents on the situation which is coming from someone that never watched their apartment unless Maya was by herself. I know that a lot of you think she may have cheated on Stepan, and that could possibly be true. However, none of us know what kind of arrangement they may have at the current time. I doubt very much that Stepan went camping by himself, he could have but I doubt it. This could all be for the drama of the RLC viewers to entice more viewership towards their apartment. They may have been feeling the squeeze from RLC and did something totally uncharacteristic of them to save their free apartment. There is just so many different ways that you can look at what happened with Maya & ????. I will keep reading this thread because I want to see how it plays out. In the meantime, please don't be to harsh on her until you see how it plays out.
  12. According to my source, she has been to a clinic, maybe one of those 24 hour ER types. He said she came home with an enrollment band on her wrist and you could clearly see where they had drawn blood out of her left arm.
  13. I don't even watch anymore and I can tell you what it was about. It was about Helen being absent from the apartment for the majority of the day and when she came home she did the stupid shit of putting glitter all over herself and swinging from the stairs in an attempt to appease you the viewer. Nothing more, nothing less. She got careless and busted her ass!
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