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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. My bad...I'm proud of you for not supporting it then!!
  2. There was a big get together in B4, Alexandra & Lucian, Bonnie & Rama as well as others were there. I believe they were having a BBQ/Pool party and a guy that some think works for RLC showed up and spent the day with them. Late at night after a lot of drugs and alcohol were consumed, there was a heated discussion in the kitchen which resulted in Lucian or Rama or both hitting the guy just outside the kitchen. The cameras were covered and I guess shortly after that the Villa went UM for the better part of a day. This is the main reason I believe N&B are there so that Bogdan makes sure nothing like that ever happens again. It's just a guess on my part but I'm 98% sure that is the reason.
  3. You should think about this a minute JennMom, what kind of guy is going to go back to a place full of camera's that is willing to have sex with one of these tarts and not think to himself, what a slut I am with and not to mention the fact that most normal guys have jobs and careers and the last thing they want is their asses plastered all over the internet. The guys that come back with these girls are not your normal guys and most of them more than likely have already been set up by RLC. Common sense girl!!!
  4. I believe she got caught with the guy she had sex with in the master bedroom by her real boyfriend and that is why she is now keeping it off camera.
  5. They are the blame...end of story. They are a married couple and need to have their own apartment and then if anyone wants to go see them they can. They have no business being in B4 other than an on the spot "it needs to be fixed" kinda of guy or baby sitters to make sure nothing gets to far out of hand. If you ask me, I think the whole Lucian and Rama incident that happened at B4 is the reason why they are there. It's BS and they need to leave!!
  6. You are kidding right LMAO. Why would they leave, they have a birds nest on the ground and a hidden tent in the lower garden ffs.
  7. He knows, he just doesn't give a flying f@ck or he has everything to do with it. I firmly believe he has everything to do with it and doesn't give a flying f@ck about any of the viewers because if he did, his ugly ass and horse face wife would be gone already.
  8. I can't believe you people are watching and supporting the get together in B2, and you wonder why RLC is plain shit and boring!!
  9. What ever it takes to keep you spending that money!!
  10. So Tesla and Nana out to make themselves some real money and the viewers get screwed once again!
  11. Too bad and so sad for them!! You can't just throw down a translation and expect everyone to go along with it 100%. Some people are going to question some translations just from what has been mentioned above by myself, JennMom, and Moosecini. The Russian translators want everything they translate to be as the gospel, I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way!
  12. I fully agree with this post JennMom and it's hard for me to understand that there is only a couple of people who translate Martina and Alberto when I know there are quite a few more Spanish speaking people on this forum. Maybe the dialect really does make a difference but I honestly don't see how it could. As for the piss off comments I make, it's all in fun and you can choose to accept that or not.....now Piss Off P.S. I've read many of your comments where you have said that if you were in their position you would mess with the viewers on a continual basis and I would be in the same boat my friend. I firmly believe this is what occurs in these apartments and I believe the participants get a total kick in the ass out of it!!
  13. Gina is just free room and board and a fuck for this asshole!
  14. In some sick way for the curly headed freak, that was probably a turn on for him!
  15. That's about all she is as far as I'm concerned. To be truthful, she a grown ass girl and has a long way to go to become a grown ass mature woman!!
  16. LOL who knows! She didn't show them to all the viewers not to try them out eventually.
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