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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. You don't think it's fake because you lust after Martina and you want it to be real!! It's not, end of story!!
  2. As a man in a relationship with what you consider to be a woman who is all that and a bag of chips and for whom you apparently have a large crush on, what you are saying here is not happening and therefore it's a mute point. Yes I'm sure it's most men's fantasies to have his SO bring back a chick and be able to crawl in bed with them and have fun but the facts remain the same....it ain't happening, it's not going to happen, it's all a ratings booster regardless of how you see it in your fantasies. Alberto should grow a pair just like ArmySniper said and get rid of her....she's pure trash in my book!!
  3. Yes, she has hit rock bottom with me ever since she showed up in B4 for the first time with that wench Nelly!! I can't stand the girl now and if she left the project tomorrow it would be a time for celebration!!
  4. i'm sure that will make your night great...a naked guy for you to stare at. I think the homo's at the beach have been calling for you, you better skedaddle and check it out!!
  5. Duh...do the bus stop here? Pam is an easy lay, end of your bromance about this Jordi character!!
  6. LMAO I like her because she is not an all out slut like so many Barca girls. I am disappointed in what I read the other night in the room of Nana and the new stool pigeon. As for the tattoo, you are correct, instant turn off to me and an almost an automatic admission of being a stripper. I never said I would want to date her or have any kind of relationship with her, which I never would because smokers and tatted up girls turn me off. I just like how, so far she has stuck to what she believes in and supposedly she has a boyfriend which for the time being she is staying true to. Will it last, probably not because most of these girls are all the same, you get them away from their boyfriends back home and they can't wait to jump into another guys arms....Tesla and Elian are classic examples of this as well as many others. The night of the show in Nana's room was a disappointing read for me and if Vivian continues on with this type of behavior I will no longer like her or support her and I will have many things to say about it. As for your last sentence, I don't like RLC and haven't for a very long time now and the chances that I will ever subscribe again are about 1 in 1 billion!!
  7. LOL the clueless one, no wonder your wife left you for another woman! I'll make a deal with you, you stop insulting me because you don't agree with me and I'll do the same.
  8. Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. You don't know me and neither does that other piece or work Ragnar so you can both piss off. I have just as much right to be here as you or he does and just as much right to post what I think....so piss off the both of you!!
  9. If that is what you call attacking someone, then you are just a poor miserable fuck!! His comparison was shit IMO and I will say that every time no matter what you say or think!!
  10. Sounds like you need some new material, you must be boring as fuck with your lectures!!
  11. Spot on, they know the loyal followers are weak minded and that they can walk all over them!
  12. HarleyFatboy

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    Yes I was and it's no fun at all. Of course mine was just rising water without swift current but the inside of my house had to be gutted so I really feel for them!
  13. Yep, Pam is a slut and this whole thing has been setup from the get go. I feel sorry for Nana, the girl doesn't stand a chance to be a good girl hanging around that trash!!
  14. So the new stool pigeon is making his rounds and there will be yet another fucked up show be it with sex or not, it will be fucked up. I feel sorry for you people!! I just hope there is not another 39 pages of bullshit to wade through!!
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