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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Thanks Naga, we had a great trip!! I will probably be gone for the next 3 weekends to do the same thing if my body can hold up. I will be getting plenty of rest for the next several days so I can do it again and if it's my time to go, I don't mind if it's on a great fishing trip with family and friends!!! A food blog would be interesting indeed!!
  2. Hey Army Sniper, we had a big fish fry this past Saturday and boy was it great. Not only fish but we also had some boiled crawfish to go along with it. My younger bro, his B-N-L and my son really out did themselves. All the women and kids, along with all the men were very pleased with the outcome. For the sides we had homemade potato salad, homemade avocado sauce and tarter sauce, french fries and hushpuppies, corn on the cob and new potatoes........those were cooked with the boiled crawfish. Oh lol, and mushrooms & whole onions.......it was a feast!!! For the drinks we had a mixture of booze and beer and tea. We were targeting White Bass and caught 197 out of a possible 200. This time of year we nearly always catch our limits but this time there was a lot of channel catfish and large mouth bass around. In total I think we caught around 260 fish if you include the cat's and large mouth. P.S. The cats we attract are much larger than Maya's cats.......typically bobcats and mountain lions!! You're correct....I'll take a bad day of fishing over a good day at work anytime!!
  3. I was going to give my side of what I thought about the Barca girls but after rethinking it, I have decided to just keep my mouth shut. It would be no use and would just piss people off. I really don't care about any of the girls and there is no sense in throwing them under a bus!!
  4. I just got home about an hour and 40 minutes ago from a great weekend of fishing. We ended up being 3 fish shy of 200 which would have been the limit for 4 guys for 2 days. I am struggling with being tired and worn out and hope I get a good nights sleep tonight. I've just finished reading the only 3 apartments threads that I care anything about. I titled this post "Yourself", and I did that because the bottom line is, if you are paying for RLC with what all I've just read, you have no-one to blame but Yourself. By your credit card being hit on a monthly basis or whether you pay for 3 months or for however many months you can pay for to try and get the best deal, the bottom line is that you support everything they (RLC) are doing. I seen the writing on the wall and decided that enough was enough for me and I can promise you that while reading just what has gone on this weekend was enough for me to solidify my decision. I am going to put a post in flame wars sometime tomorrow when I can take my time and think about what all I want to say. Tonight I am just too tired. Have a good night and a better tomorrow!! Harley
  5. OT.......catching up on posts. Thanks for all the "have a good time" posts from y'all. Now that I'm caught up I will report that we caught a total of 82 keepers this morning!!! My bro and his brotherNlaw and my son are getting everything ready for a fish fry!!! See y'all Sunday :)
  6. I'm leaving for the weekend to go fishing. I will try to look in on CC a few times on my mobile so I don't have to come home to a couple of hundred posts to catch up on LOL. You all have a great weekend!!! See you all Sunday!
  7. I'm afraid your Belle is heading way down the wrong path, so it doesn't really matter!! How you people can put up with what is going on with the Barca girls is beyond me!
  8. If you're biting your nails over the crap that goes on with RLC, then you need to be worry about something a lot more important than a mail server!!
  9. There is more to life than work my friend...........but I understand you need to get it while the getting is good as well.
  10. Before I finally gave it up.....RLC that is, I hardly watched that apartment at all. I knew just by our friend Noldus (time keeper) that there was nothing of any interest happening. Plus, when they were home, I was never one to sit there and stare at the comp screen because I watched Kami slip a hand under her shorts or panties........I knew that she would always bate with covering!
  11. At any rate, it was a beautiful day outside today and I hope that most of you went out and enjoyed a part of it and didn't sit in front of your computers waiting for nothing to happen!
  12. It's really sad isn't it, and to think how many people have supported her and begged to bring her back. The most interesting thing I read about this apartment is the Noldus time lines :(
  13. You're right......they knew it but they are such good actresses that they fooled everybody. They will probably all when a Golden Globe Award from just tonight!!
  14. I knew you were being sarcastic but it's hell leaving for a few hours and trying to catch up on this forum. Especially when nothing exciting has happened!
  15. I can promise you the girls knew exactly what was happening. Maybe.....just maybe, RLC has come to their senses and realizes that the 12 to 20 hour UM's are ridiculous, just as the UM's for when a girl leaves. They can let the viewer see the girl leave and all the drama that goes with it and then put the apartment UM.......did I just type that out loud. RLC is a joke and they rip their customers off all the time with bullshit like that!!! That is one of my reasons I gave up with them.......the extended UM's and not to mention the UM's for no apparent reason were getting to be a bit much for me anyway's.
  16. What is really crazy is this post.......you know how fucked up RLC is, they don't have their shit together and never will!!!!!
  17. LOL didn't fool me!! When is enough for you all? I just got back after being gone for a few hours and had to catch up on 15 pages.......how can we not post so much when nothing is happening!!!
  18. I can't believe how many pages have been created and they are not even here. No wonder I have such a hard time keeping up with this forum LMAO.
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