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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I hope it pans out for you Mikey, I really do. Lord knows you've thrown enough money in their direction that something wonderful should happen lol.
  2. Do you know for sure she went to the UAE with this girl or are you assuming she did because she showed up at the apartment with her? Just curious, and I like the name Amber!
  3. I'm sorry Corbo but I have to disagree. This stalker crap has gone way to far and there is nothing private about these girls! If they wanted private life with no exposure then they would keep their shit private! They would not be on RLC for the whole world to see and they would not post it where you or I or anyone else for that matter can find it. I'm not going to get into a debate here, I have my opinion and you have yours.
  4. They all do it wether they want to show/admit it lol.
  5. Doesn't sound like you missed anything to me lol
  6. I would just like to see an amendment to Rule #3 that's all. I think that anything posted of the girls other than what is in their own personal accounts, i.e. Facebook, Vk, or Instagram should be allowed. But hey....what do I know! Like I said earlier, there is a handful of people on this site that have far more than what is on their personal accounts that only share it with that handful of people and I don't have a problem with that, but what I do have a problem with is a guy goes to show her winning a beauty pageant from 2010....not being allowed to. That was from a publicly accessible website and should not have been a problem, just like the pictures that surfaced with Irma, those were also from a publicly accessible website and also should not have been a problem. I'm sorry if there are those of you that disagree with me but this is how I feel about it!! It will be interesting to see the changes!!
  7. One last thing about this crap......it's like the handful of people that are all a member of this special group, think that all the rest of the forum members are a piece of crap, that the rest of the forum members just want to hurt these girls, that they are nothing but stalkers, where in turn the true stalkers (CC members) are this handful of people that spend all their time stalking them!
  8. Can you honestly explain why? I'm talking about explaining it to the forum! Personally, I don't see the problem with posting anything that anybody can find on the internet. I like Corbo allot, but he said something that really got to me in a post earlier. He said that any novice can find any of these girls on the net within a few seconds. What I believe he should have said, is any novice that has friends that talk to these girls and spend hours searching for them, could find out about any of these girls within seconds. The rule is a bogus rule due to some people that treat these girls like their own daughters......not like the kind of girls that don't give a flying squirrel that they are posting every part of their life on the internet. I like most of these girls just like the rest of you, but I'm tired of this forum hiding the truth behind these girls. I'm not the only person to see that they are so guarded, and for what?l If the forum was more open and people told it like it was about these girls, it would be a much better forum. I know there is allot of members of this forum that can understand every word of what these girls say, but they don't say shit about what's going on! I have to ask myself why! If members of this forum really wanted to hurt these girls, I'm pretty damn sure that would have happened many times by now!! Like Corbo said earlier, any novice could find out what they need to within seconds on these girls........total crock of BS right there. I'm not a novice to computers and I'm not the best searcher of information when it comes to the internet, but I guarantee you that NO novice is going to find shit out about these girls and even if they did.....are they going to go hurt them??? HELL NO!! The rule sucks and that's the bottom line. There are multiple members of this forum that share all the information on these girls with each other by PM's on a daily basis.....it's not a single person doing it. When someone finds something on the internet about these girls and brings it to the forum, they get the eyeballs fucked out of them! It's public information and should be allowed......you people need to take a chill pill if you firmly believe that members of this forum are out to hurt these girls! What about girls (these girls) that leave their apartment at all times of the morning and come back well after daylight, are they scared there might be a fucking stalker that is trying to hurt them out there.....the obvious answer is HELL NO!! If they were worried about it they wouldn't leave the apartment!! Sorry all......I'm just tired of there being double standards on this forum!!
  9. If you think Vika has a broad butt, the girl on the right would be just as broad I'm afraid, but yes......who wouldn't want to see Rita in a pose like that!! I know I damn sure would.
  10. Gotta love the Stones! I think we all did back in the day. Hell, you could go out and either give or get an ass whoopin back in the day and didn't have to worry about getting shot. Nowadays it just isn't worth it for the youngsters to go out in get in a tizzy over anything for fear of ending up six feet under!
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