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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I'm sure I was one of them assholes from time to time as I have been know to stir the pot from time to time lol. I'm trying my damnedest to get better though!
  2. You obviously were allot of fun back then lol......let's hear it, don't stop now lol
  3. I have no comment as I don't watch them but from what I'm reading in the last few posts, I do like the discussions that are taking place!
  4. Good stories guys!! One of my cop stories involved a tap tap tap on my window one blustery 1am morning. I had been working allot at the time of said incident and this all started on a Saturday night after work where I went to a good friend of mines house to watch Saturday Night Live, meet a girl that he wanted me to meet, and drink some cold German soda water. Everything was great and it was some laughter and relaxation that I truly needed. On my travels home at some time around one o'clock in the morning I pulled up to the last red light before getting to my apartment and had that light been green instead of red, I would not be telling this story now lol. The tap tap tap was his flashlight as I had fallen asleep at the red light with my foot on the brake due to being tired, warm, and tipsy. I was stunned when the tapping finally brought me back to life and looked to my left to see a cop telling me to roll down my window. The first thought that came to me was "Awe Shit"! I rolled down the window and the first thing that was said from him to me was....have you been drinking son? I quickly replied with, no sir I haven't and told him that I had been working allot (which was true) and that I was dead dog tired. He then asked me if he needed to give me a ride home the rest of the way, in which I replied that I would be fine as I was only a few blocks from my apartment. He then said, well I'll tell you what, why don't I just follow you home to make sure you get there safely lol. I dodged a bullet that night!
  5. WW....thanks for thinking about me and you're right, I did like them! That guy should have done a soundtrack or two for the movie Paint Your Wagon starring Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, and Jean Seberg. He would have been perfect for that movie!! One thing you will learn about me is that my taste in music is very very broad. I love it all with the exception of rap. I don't totally hate all rap as there are a couple of rap songs that I like, but most of it I don't care for!
  6. That was fantastic Nick, thanks a bunch for sharing it with us! That movie has always been one of my favorites of all time, as a matter of fact every time I see it is going to be on I make it a point to let all my brothers and my son know so they can tune in and enjoy as well. We all loved the movie! My son who is only 30 and born in the 80's feels the same way I do about the movie lol.
  7. No VJ that is not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I don't believe that Kristy, a girl that has traveled all over the world and has admittedly been with guys from younger to over twice her age, has never heard of the word blowjob until just a couple of days ago. I call BS and if you choose to believe it to be true, I don't have a problem with that either. Now, if you will excuse me I am going to visit my daughter and grandchildren for the holiday.
  8. LMAO......y'all could write an academy award winning play! Stay tuned for tomorrow folks......will their love continue or is this the end of K&K!
  9. Believe what you want to believe and then one day you may wakeup!
  10. I have to agree with Foamy and Thes on their thoughts Alan! I hope things get better around here and you come back and check from time to time and hopefully get back on CC!! As it is now, you're right, it isn't much fun! I'm going to miss all your insight and well versed posts as well! Good luck and stop by from time to time, maybe it will get better before it gets more worse. Take care and go Cleveland!!!
  11. Thanks to kind forum members I finally got to see what Kamila's mother looked like and I must say that she is quite attractive for an older woman!! I think RLC should think about giving Kamila's mom her own apartment!!!
  12. I have to agree 100% with you smurfy!!! They try to play everybody as fools!
  13. I actually like seeing pictures of Vika!! I don't know what it is about her, but I think she is pretty and has a really nice body!!
  14. There is no hair around it......I don't know where is the target zone!
  15. Thank you KZ, you always come through for those of us less fortunate!! PS.....Do you have any pictures of Kamila's mom that you would be willing to share? I would really like to see what she looks like!!
  16. My question is.....who got to Elisa? I was so close to pushing the button on a subscription because of her bates but now I don't hear anything about it! You guys that watch her antics, please explain what is going on with her!!!
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