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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I understand and I wouldn't pay to watch them sleep either. Hope somebody comes through for you longarm.
  2. That was well done and I'm sure someone will do that for you! As much as I'd like to see it myself, I think I will leave it to the guys that payed to see it!
  3. It's just my opinion Eric which is solely based on what I have seen in my 56 years of life. Girls her age that are fucking guys almost 3 times older than her are a little on the trashy side of things in my opinion. I'm not trying to or even going to argue or get into allot of discussion about it.....it's just how I feel about it!
  4. Book, I just don't get attached to these girls like yourself and others do on this site and quite frankly I believe the translations that kitek & Yury provide to us and since I do believe those translations, it's easy to see that they are a little bit on the trashy side. This is just my opinion based off the translations that are provided. I'm sorry that I have changed somewhat since my bad news, I struggle with it on a daily basis and want to get back to who I used to be but I have to admit the cards are not in my favor!
  5. LOL that's funny right there!! If you are a living, breathing, entity.....well, you get the picture. After all, this is Kristy your talking about. I say he has a damn good chance of having her!!
  6. As far as I know there can only be one king anyway, and his name is Admin!!! It was a basic analysis because nobody wants to spend that much time digging up all the financial data on RLC on their Sunday off. I caused all this shit anyway and would rather see people on this forum getting along instead of arguing all the time......that is going to be my June resolution, to try my damnedest to have fun and joke around instead of being so freaking serious most of the time!
  7. 1010, you are like a steady stream of gasoline adding fuel to the fire. It's their beef with each other, let's sit back and see who the king of CC is!!
  8. Can't we all just get along LMAO......who is the better man, who does better research, who is smarter, who can do 50 one arm pushups, etc. etc.. I know the world is nothing without competition, but this is ridiculous!!
  9. Sorry you had to miss it but you can probably set your alarm to go off in 3 more months and catch another one lol Not only that, I'm sure one of your buddies has a video of it!!
  10. You can't go wrong with a Snickers bar......it satisfies everybody and everything!! Thanks for the clip....now I know how to catch me a FOX!!!
  11. I'm sure there is a few that took videos but unless you ask one nicely to PM it to you, you will never see it!
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