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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I don't blame you! That has got to be one of the hottest and most beautiful moments that has ever happened on RLC that I've ever seen!
  2. I have to chime in here.....thank you very much playa...you are the light that keeps shining in this forum!! That is a moment that will probably never be repeated, but none the less.....it was one of the most sensual, caring moments that I've ever seen on RLC! Those two girls deserve each other......that was a total fantasy come true!! Thank you very much.....you made my life complete by providing such a hot moment in time!! Those two girls should love nobody else but themselves!!!
  3. I'm very happy for them and I hope they really enjoyed it! I am happy for those of you that got to see it!! I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm just happy all the way around!!!
  4. LOL I think you hit the wrong button! But hey....I can fill in the blanks!!!
  5. You have got to be kidding me!! She masturbated again with "whatever it is"? If this girl keeps this up, she is going to make me resubscribe lol. I love watching girls pleasure themselves so if this happens again please let me know and I'm dropping the hammer on a subscription for 1 month!!!
  6. I appreciate that and I will also keep an eye out and let people know if I find it and then if anyone want's it I will PM it to them......thanks delong!!
  7. Where do I start here. First off you're right, I do think K&K are trashy! I think they are lazy and don't want to work and that's why they are here! I do believe the translations that get posted and I might be naive it that line of thinking. These girls mean nothing to me and quite frankly I'm surprised just how much they mean to certain individuals that are on this site. I visit this site on a daily basis because I am limited to doing much else anymore! I get to ride my bike a few times a week when I'm feeling strong enough to do so. Most of my days I have to get somebody to drive me around because I am so exhausted and weak these days. You are wrong in thinking that I've never said a positive word about either of these girls. My whole point was that you believe the stuff that is translated about Kamila stating on numerous occasions that she needs her time away from him but you don't believe any of the other translations where she acts trashy and slutty! To each their own BM.....I trust everything that is translated and not the parts that make me feel good about them! Once again we don't agree when it comes to the princesses!!
  8. You're welcome and just so that you know, everybody is disappointed these days! Cancelling your subscription is totally up to you. i haven't been an RLC subscriber for months now, and other than 1or 2 moments, I don't regret it!!
  9. None of us like the current changes at all! Unfortunately RLC has once again proved that they don't give a shit about CC members or RLC members with their current actions of banning members due to providing free publicity to their site. I don't understand what they could possibly be thinking by doing this....It's not going to cause freeloaders to jump on the $45 monthly subscription cost to watch boring ass shit day after day. I think most people are getting tired of spending hours after hours for something that just never seems to happen!! You don't have to go back and read anything Menouscope.....the reason there is no pics and videos is because of RLC banning people left and right that post them. Is it sad? Yes it is sad and it will cause CC to eventually collapse!
  10. I'm sorry also, but do you read the posts or just skip right to the end? This has been discussed on this forum for quite some time now. Sarcasm is needed at times around here and I'm sorry if you don't like my reply, but at least go back and read a little before asking that kind of question! You are not new around here.....you know how this works!!
  11. I know you didn't 1010 and this is my point......you and I agree with the translators but bookmaster only agrees with them when it benefits his arguments! Kamila is to bookmaster like Rita is to euromike....they will always say and do what is necessary to protect them! Book doesn't agree with the translations when his poor Kamila, arrives in Thailand and has sex with some german dude after the first couple of days she is there and then has sex with him without a condom!! I'm tired of double standards around here and only agreeing with translations and people when it fits your needs! I like bookmaster and I can understand the need he feels to protect his little angel......but she is NO angel!!!
  12. I liked it because that is what I like but by NO means did I see any eroticism in it......might be me but just sayin!!!
  13. I just want to know where you got this information from?? You don't believe the translators unless it fits your needs. Please tell me where you got this information from Book!!!
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