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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Thanks kitek.........just one of many times the subscribers to RLC got ripped off!! It never seems to stop or even slow down....hell, I think it's getting worse! Poor RLC idiot managers......just think of the Enron collapse, it's going to happen to you as well RLC but on a smaller scale!
  2. Quite frankly MrBox I love your posts on this forum and believe as you do about what has unfolded the last few days at apartment K&K. Your right about her putting her hands in her pants and making the world right for these guys/girls......that's all it took! The distraction in Kami's absence is spot on in my opinion as well. It is a sad state of affairs these days by the sound of everything or the lack there of in the RLC apartments. I hope though that if you do drop RLC (I can't blame you there) that you continue to visit CC and comment on things. I like reading you comments. If you don't come back and visit, I understand that too.
  3. I know the feeling on time being limited but that's not the reason I don't go in to the chat room. It's hard for me to keep up with all the different conversations going on at the same time and I don't like seeing people talking about other people behind their backs. Hope you get some time soon, I'm sure what you want to know is spoken there!
  4. No sir I don't. Why don't you explain it to me! I'm not wasting time on my computer watching RLC to see if Kristy is going to tease me like the rest of you, so no I don't see the irony in it!
  5. She might as well have done it on the balcony or in the bathroom or in the bathtub with discolored water. She's not being brave by putting her hand down her shorts, she knows that's the easy way out with you perves!!
  6. Yeah...you can be smart but you're still an asshole! Don't see any limping in my theory at all, thanks for proving my point!!
  7. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to use the BS card on that sentence! They don't have anything at stake, they don't even have jobs and that's the way they like it! Their life entails how much sun they can get and how much they can get from there boyfriends. I am sorry to the CC group but I'm just tired of everyone putting these girls on a pedestal they don't deserve!!
  8. Hi Mikey, glad to see you are doing well! For me......I'm just wondering how I ever got in to all this BS in the first damn place. I've already quit watching RLC all together and luckily for you and others, I don't see my life being on CC too much longer either! I hope the forum continues to be good long after I finally decide to leave just in case I decided to come back LMAOLMAOLMAO. We all know that when I say I'm not coming back, that is all BS LOL. I try my ass off not to come back but I just can't help myself lol. Anyway, I don't know the reason for your absence and I wish you the best. Hope it was nothing serious!!
  9. BB.....it's nice to see any kind of pictures again, thank you sir!
  10. OK dude, I could say so much more about this post alone but I don't feel like beating a dead horse! Like I said, you believe and choose what you want to believe and I'll do the same.....let's just leave it at that.
  11. It doesn't matter if it was just a blowjob or she stuck her finger up his ass, people are getting tired of paying to see tenants hiding to have any kind of sex and there is nothing special about K&K in this regard. Don't get the viewing audience all worked up and excited with all the heavy petting and what not to just throw it in their faces by having sex off camera. It's not right and people should be pissed about it!! They might as well stayed away than to pull that kind of a stunt!!
  12. I guess I'm just a nutt then! How about you believe what you want to believe and choose to put up with and I'll do the same. RLC is not going to last much longer at this rate unless some drastic changes take place!
  13. Oh....and one more thing VoyeurJay, do you think that women don't have sex when it's that time of the month? I sure hope you are a wiser person than that. Some women actually like having sex when it's that time of the month!
  14. Do you honestly believe that women only wear pads when they are on their period? Also, if multiple people said they heard them having sex on the balcony, are you not going to believe that either? I find it sad that some people go through life with blinders on!!!
  15. You are absolutely right botika....they are making a mockery of the people that have subscriptions!!!
  16. Wise up dude.....have you ever thought that the pad thing is just a cover up? You people crack me up!!
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