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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Thanks for the video but was this some kind of joke? I watched it and didn't see anything!
  2. That's for sure SC.....she might have another 6 to 7 months if she wants to push it that far. I just hope that if she is pregnant that she......never mind.....not going there. I would think that if she is pregnant though, she would take enough time to make sure Kristy has found a nice safe place to live before she decides to pull the plug!! As for her, I hope she will be happy with a beach snake!!
  3. I was talking in relation to her wearing over sized bras to make her bust look bigger! I guess some people just never think!!
  4. Come on SARGE.....get with the times!!
  5. I just want to say one last thing to you two girls. You captivated me while in Barcelona for longer than you should have. I know it's all a big game with you two and I get that, but to come back to RLC and from what I have read, nothing has changed with you two....the same teasing has gone on which is what I knew was going to happen and that is why I didn't jump on the subscribe band wagon as most of the rest did. I don't care if you two ever do anything more than what you are currently doing, I really don't. But either put up or shutup for the people that are providing the apparently nice K&K penthouse I've heard so much about. Stop the playing with each other to maintain viewership and either leave or start bringing your guy friends home and show some gratitude!! Sorry if I pissed you off with this post, but thats how I feel after reading plenty of the same shit that was posted in Barcelona.
  6. I knew a guy that used to put a sock in his pants to make it look like he had a package, women are the same way!
  7. Like I said before B&H.....desperate times call for desperate measures! I like Rita, I think she is very pretty, and you can't say anything bad about a person that is trying to learn another language. Rita is awesome but she is not the kind of girl for this project! If I knew that she was into the project, it might cause me to subscribe, but she would really have to be into the project! Hell, Kristy has my heart and her coming back didn't even make me subscribe again LOL.
  8. Unfortunately I don't get what your saying this time LOL. I don't watch RLC anymore so it may be one of those things I would have just had to see it to get it. Hope this makes sense.
  9. I'm going to tell you now that I voted for Kristy and only because she captured my heart in Barcelona.....that girl was crazy funny and kept shit lively there!! I am surprised that she is not on top or at least in second place but due to their apartment having no free cams to watch, I can see where it has hurt her in the polls!!
  10. It's been nice chatting with you 1010 but I have to go to bed. I have a couple of auctions I have to go to in the morning and one of them is 2.5 hours away. I'll catch you later!!
  11. I've noticed you have a new attitude and I'm happy for you with that. I know I'm a prick to people that don't really know me and for that I'm sorry to everyone involved! At any rate 1010, I'm glad you are happier now and it shows!!
  12. I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to be negative, I'm was voicing my own opinion of the two. My disagreement was based on how different they both are, not on how beautiful they both are. Your right though 1010, a handful to some is more than a mouthful can waste!!
  13. I'm sorry 1010 but I would take bedridden Danaya over Rita any day! Danaya was not bedridden in the slightest, she just kept to herself and bought her time until she could leave after.....I already forgot her name.....left. Danaya to me had much more personality than Rita ever thought about having, and was much more fun in my opinion!! Sorry, but I have to totally disagree with your logic here!!!
  14. Forget about it dude....those days are over, and unless you are in tight with people on this forum your days will soon be over as well. I'm talking from experience here, get in good with the people of this forum and you will be OK. If you are a prick like me, you will want to leave the CC party very quickly!!
  15. Would you all please take general chat to the general chat thread before we lose the right to post comments about pictures in the pictures thread again. Thank you in advance!
  16. Hey B&H, lets take this to the general chat thread just in case someone wants to post pictures LOL.
  17. Beldonn1 you said: "Yes, but I enlarged most of them to a max and I get only empty grey squares, pixel ones. On the net, they say it's probably dust on the lenses." I personally believe they are to uniform and situated in a specific way to be dust particles. If your willing to take that chance, then I'm willing to look at what you post pictures of!
  18. Beldonn1 if you enlarge the picture that you posted of K&K you will see at least two braille dots, one is just above Kristy's left shoulder and the other one is to the right of that one at about 1/2". Just letting you know. The sad part of it is that now the only pictures/videos that are going to be posted of anything that happens is going to be done in the chat room. CC will suffer due to RLC's quest to keep people from posting pics/vids!!!
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