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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. To Danaya......thanks for the memories!!
  2. Dedicated to Danaya.......Thank you Danaya!!!
  3. My delicate delightful devoted determined desirable Danaya, You have always been one of my favorite girls on RLC and I will miss you dearly. I wish you safe travels home or wherever you may be headed, but I hope it's home first to see your loved ones before heading out for a repeat. I hope you have all the successes in life that it has to offer, but you are going to have to get out of that bed to make it happen. I would say to come back to RLC sometime but to be honest with you, I don't even watch RLC anymore! Good luck in your life Danaya!!!!
  4. Maybe I'm reading this wrong and if so I'm sorry. This is exactly what I'm talking about with the translators.....why is this now coming to light? Please tell me why you are just now posting this translation!!!!
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