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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. WOOOOAAAAHHHH there Yelt, you read the translations of the story between Martina and Alberto, and you know that when Martina goes out and comes home shit faced, that she has only been out consuming large quantities of alcohol which from everything I read about the girl, it makes her horny as fuck but their translated conversation says otherwise. When she goes out all the time, there is absolutely a 0% chance that she is having sex with no one.
  2. Yeah, I'd be quiet if I was you, Stella doesn't deserve any kind of praise and certainly isn't worth being on the wrong side of your true love Leora!
  3. Now, that is the funniest thing I've heard on here in a long long long time!
  4. The best place for Stella is in rehab and not in any apartments
  5. She's a fucking cocaine addict!! She's worthless as tits on a boar hog!
  6. Please...spare us all and quit giving him the big head!!
  7. I was on RLC within a few months of their debut on the internet. I'm well aware of every participant that has ever been on RLC. I might not remember all their names but I know a face when I see it. To be perfectly honest with you Jenn, when I used to watch RLC I thought it was great, up until the GOV apartments started bringing back girls from a previous stay. To me, the most important thing on a website like RLC, is fresh faces. It doesn't matter if they were good tenants or bad tenants as long as they were fresh. So to answer your question, NO...there is NO ONE that I would like to see back after their first stay!!!
  8. The so called orgy in B2 was not even worth remembering! The people that say it was great are the same desperate people that keep RLC afloat. I only got to see the so called good parts and to me they sucked ass. It's all in the eye of the beholder how these events go and that one...should be forgotten!!
  9. Do you eat only one vegetable and one vegetable only, of course you don't. Do you only buy one type of bread and one type only, of course you don't. Not one person that has been a supporter of RLC for many years wants to see any repeat girls. Look at how the excitement level shoots up when a new face is cast on RLC. Nobody wants to see the same old repeats time after time after time. It was said awhile back that there was a waiting list of girls that wanted to join RLC and yet, all they do is keep bringing back the same old dried up repeats. RLC is a bunch of lazy, non-caring assholes that only care about one thing...and that is making sure they get their money. They do not care about me or you or anyone else!
  10. Nelly and Bogdan should not be in B4, how hard is that for you to understand!! If RLC values those drug pushers/users, they should give them their own apartment again and get them both out of B4....I'm sorry Alladino, it's just that simple.
  11. I hope you are sincere and not just doing what the others do....say it's their last and come back for more ridiculous torture!!
  12. I know you missed me! What I have to say is no worse than all your ramblings on about Radislava!!
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