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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. SO....is it better or worse now? If worse, ask Leora to put it back to how it was....seems simple enough to me!
  2. I would take reserved and tedious any day of the week and twice on Sundays over downright sluttiness!! I guess it's all in what each other wants to see on RLC.
  3. I've seen 2 pictures of Vivian and one masturbation video, I think she is one of the best looking girls ever on RLC!!
  4. Just wait, a new themed party is coming your way that may explain their presence or nothing will change and I vote for nothing changing, I like reading about girls that puzzle the viewers minds!!
  5. While you all are in limbo as it seems.....
  6. I'll be around most of the apartments but I've totally lost all respect for the Barcelona apartments and Gina's apartment, which have been screwed up ever since N&B joined B4 and the sad thing is it will take the jaws of life to pry their sorry butts out of there. So the answer to your question is yes, I will be spending more time amongst you all if that is OK with y'all and if not, I will just put a few words in when I dare LOL.
  7. It's a bad dream because the chances of it being someone new to occupy the master suite is slim to none. Look at it this way, is it right for a new girl to kick a girl out of the master suite that has been there for over a month? If your answer is yes, then lord help you. If your answer is no, then it's bound to be a repeat with more clout!!
  8. That's the key word across all of RLC I would think!!
  9. I get it....the sky is blue, the cat is black, what did you eat today, did you take a picture of it, and all that repetitive nonsense!!
  10. Unfortunately it's their generation!! Texting is so impersonal and the least favorite of my ways to communicate with my family and friends. I couldn't tell you how many times I have been sent a text by my family members or friends, where my reply was...can I call you? They usually say yes and occasionally say no depending on where they are or what they are doing. I will not carry on a conversation by texting!!
  11. If I remember correctly, she had a short stay in B1 when Ginger was also there. Go and look in the archives for Ginger and if I'm correct you will see a Kelly listed there at the same time.
  12. I'm glad you liked her Costa! The problem is not whether or not you liked her, the problem is that bringing back repeats keeps new girls from showing up that you might like just the same or even better. To me, there should never be a repeat in any of these apartments and for the couples apartments, 1 year should be more than enough time on RLC before kicking their asses out to pasture!!
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