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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Megan had her shag fest with Bogdan yesterday so I guess it's Holly's turn today?
  2. you think LMAO.....it's a game for the viewers, an attention gatherer and that's all!!!
  3. What do you expect when the viewers try to guide/persuade each and every tenant by their desperate and fanatical postings as to what they want them to do on camera. OT here is a new girl in B4 that is well aware of what she needs to do to be popular and yet a lot of viewers of RLC from this forum are already trying to push her to be more friendly with her coworkers. It's really sad what RLC has become and you can thank the desperate posters of this forum for that!! Back OT, I heard the display that happened here last night was desperately pathetic!!
  4. LMAO...I left out golf clubs because none of these people have the faculties or patience to even consider that sport!
  5. What can I say....it's a family affair in B4 now days. Besides, if anything out of the ordinary was to happen with Bogdan and any of the other girls (which is what the sick and demented are hoping for) beside Nelly, it would be like Bogdan fucking his sister as close as the family has been lately LMAO......sick sick sick
  6. No you don't Meno, but to participate as a cam person they must have them I guess. I wonder if any of these people have ever had a fishing pole in their hands or have ever been to a NASCAR race or have ever been hunting....hmmm let me think about that for a second.......ummmmmmmm nope! Their lives are lazy and pathetic and I would tell that to any of their faces!!
  7. glad you like them! stick around, I'll call out things i'm told to the worthless any day!!
  8. Sounds like one big drugged up dysfunctional family to me!!
  9. Whatever MV, I could care less about what you think about me or what I care about! You are the biggest of all hypocrites on this entire forum!!
  10. I guess nobody saw Bogdan go into the 2nd floor bathroom to get Masha's cocaine purse and then go downstairs to get Megan and Holly who were having dinner from what I was told and took them and the cocaine purse out to the hidden gathering spot just outside the kitchen. You people watch this shit or you don't? Does all the consistent use of drugs bother anyone else beside myself? Why doesn't things like this get commented on in this forum? I give up on you blinder wearing people!!!! People that choose to overlook the obvious in hopes of some drugged up fake ass show.
  11. That's still too much IMO!! My only reason for being here has nothing to do with insulting anybody, it just happens because of the shit that spews out of their mouth. By the way, I've got a bigot for you....bend over!!
  12. I wasn't going to comment on this post and if I didn't, it wouldn't be me. Is it a crime to call somebody and idiot or a fool or even an asshole for that matter! This is an adult forum, dealing with adult content, being a goodie two shoes is for the Sesame Street forums out there. You always have something to complain on my about when I post something that is true and you don't like it. Grow up Moos and quit threatening me with punishment for being one of the only people on this forum that tells it like it is!!
  13. Is a frogs ass water tight? If a frog had wings, would he bump his ass so much? If you mix red and white together, do you get pink? Of course she's tried something harder and it's been witnessed in B4.....she wasn't licking piss of the toilet seat in Holly's room during the party that boy toy attended!!!
  14. If that's the case....write another relationship off, it will never last!! Simply because it will be a relationship full of lies and deceit!!
  15. They only would know what they are told and I can promise you they are lied to on a constant basis!!
  16. Like always, another question goes unanswered!! So to you, what she did last night, is what all girls do with other guys present that are not their boyfriends.....says allot about you my friend!!
  17. Who? The same idiots that support a drunk/drugged up RLC that's who!! An RLC that simply does not care about their viewership and have the mindset that for every person they lose, another idiot will take their place!!
  18. It's all good, doesn't bother me a bit and I actually thought it was funny....naive on thinking but funny
  19. Thank you TBG 150!!! You shut him up pretty quickly and I commend you for that....it's not easy to do with him. You are correct about Moos, he's head over heals about a bunch of cam whores that will never amount to anything because of the path they have chosen. Thankfully and with RLC's help in the fact that they showed me their true colors years ago, I no longer support the sorry site that RLC has become. They started out great but are going down in flames, it's just a matter of time!!
  20. How many of you think Pam's boyfriend knows what she did last night? I feel sorry for any guy that gets hooked up with any of these girls!!
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