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Everything posted by Maxbell

  1. Wow, she has turned into quite the bitch the last year or two. No self control. Burning up her friendships. WTF could Val do that would cause that kind of reaction…Val seems fairly level headed
  2. 👍Except Neyt looked ridiculous. Marilyn's is not so bad.
  3. Oops, oh crap, that shows how often I pay attention to them. 🤭
  4. Every time I see them. I guess that’s what they want. It’s a pretty unproductive time consuming hobby
  5. Lysergic acid diethylamide is what I was going for. Don’t watch this place much and back a few pages it said he was a druggy or dealer….and he looks really high 🤪
  6. Just chatting like other human beings…..but I listened and here is what I heard Medusa: what’s the weather like up there? Sara: great. How does my ass smell?
  7. lol now that you mentioned it I don’t recall a bio sent…I think they only recently started that, but you got me curious
  8. OT Slow news day obviously out there. If it happens in my area I'll check it out but there is much more fascination in looking at the stars with a knowledgeable person, but most are are only interested in the superficial.
  9. Because all the events become stories as we follow them, and like a novel you begin to have opinions on people, some you like. Some seem like the villain. It’s pretty normal. If you just want to watch a cunt with two legs and a giant wiener there are free sites. What happens here is some people don’t like the comments of others and mock and discuss it ad nauseam. That wastes more time that the original comments by far. Not liking Massimo a seems to be sacrilegious by some. 🤣
  10. It’s a simple solution or a test for anyone who leaves a comment. If you don’t have the balls to say it in person, don’t say it.
  11. The translator didnt do a good job on your comment. I think you were not happy with what I wrote. I’m OK with that, perhaps it’s Sunday afternoon boredom and me just rambling. 🙂
  12. It’s a Springtime miracle! 🤣🤣 I gotta say all this love is making me a little uncomfortable. 😉
  13. “Need an object of hatred” that’s an interesting statement. And true. I have suggested before that RLC might intentionally hire a “disrupter” or “villain” to create a more compelling atmosphere and story that creates and keeps viewers. I may be giving RLC too much credit though. Another thing that goes through my mind is that it’s not easy as we think, for RLC to get the right tenants, as all the experts seem to think. I’m guilty too. What works in the laboratory (interview) does not always work in reality. There are too many variables. Businesses in general understand this and it can be constant battle to find that. So anyone that thinks they know how to do better, feel free and start your own voyeur site, and prove it. 🤣
  14. “Jump for joy” then start new complaints like we now hear about Medusa. 🤣 sara annoyed the shit out of me for a while but she is nice to look at and provides some interesting viewing at least for now. But she will bring the misfits back at some point, in the mean time it beats looking at an empty room AND she doesn’t spend all day looking at her phone. My shot at being Mr Bright-Side. 😉
  15. Someone said Dayana’s aunt was there, I wonder is that the friend?
  16. I don’t think we know how Karma feels, I think she is doing what makes her happy, she doesn’t need advice from us. Again, everyone is giving Tantra way too much credit for being manipulative. I see a pretty strange guy, maybe even damaged and not a typical dude, not sure I could hang with him or be his friend but a guru, a cult leader, a serious mentor….hmm not sure. He appears weak and lazy. Granted he has found the one person on Gods green earth that will accommodate his bizarre and peculiar personality. He will hang on to that like dear life itself
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