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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Daaaayum Sher looks awesome.. in that teddy she is wearing...shows that ass to perrrrrrfection
  2. I would definitely like to hear her sing.. who knows.. maybe i could play bass for her..
  3. Poor Norway then.. snow in September?.. but they are nearer the arctic area though so i guess its expected..
  4. When I subscribe I post more but recently..its been quiet all of a sudden it gets better so here I am.. yes 25k+ is huge well done you
  5. Well you are such a killjoy Stn lol.. and I totally respect your comment for my 900th post on here..so here.. but lets hope you are wrong just this 1 time
  6. It seems that the girls have an understanding that suits them all so far...it works for them having fun...
  7. Cleaning is done.. now time to get clean so it appears... lets hop into the bath.....together...
  8. This is the best all girl nekked cleaning here that I have seen.....all 3 just getting on with it.. cleaning I mean.. au naturel...wonderful...
  9. Sher has a new business lined up as a naked cleaner... damn she would clean up...so to speak.. amazing
  10. Irma would be proud of them...heck she probably is already..her naked cleaning was legendary..
  11. A tile of a song by the late George Duke comes to mind.. The Morning After... what will it bring?
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