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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Haven't been watching for a while.. just not enough to keep my interest..then along comes Helen... bib heels apron and ..well nothing much else oh yeah
  2. So the fallout is gonna be??...well at least he has a nice ass to stroke...TK's girl's..
  3. Looks like this early morning orgy is going on for sometime..blurred world is showing serious action..partner swapping...
  4. I haven,t been on here for a while, my internet suddenly went from awesome to.."Are you freaking kidding me??!!!!??.." so no doubt i have missed a whole heap of stuff... anyway with all these changes.. girls on vacation etc.. it looks quite interesting..oh.. and stella.. has gone.. ah well.. time to catch up
  5. Goodbye Irma, always a pleasure, no doubt soon to return, gonna miss that smile twerk and of course ,, her naked cooking and cleaning..
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