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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Franklin hope this helps.. AsianGirl stated that when a girl showers they take down their hair, previously Hakeem told her he was not seeing any other women. Hakeem has gotten slack and lazy removing any evidence of other women being in the aprtment.. Unfortunately for him the all have long hair(RussianGirl excluded) and shave hash hair mainly QuestionGirl / MadameRed) and that hair needs removing from the bathdrain. So this is what AsianGirl found not removed and yes.. it was red hair..she has seen it before in the bedroom a week ago. She said that she was just.. curious.. Hakeem accused her that she shouldn't go hunting for things like these.. she says that she didn't she is a clean person she takes her hair out so she say something that was not hers.. hence a closer look.. Hakeem told her to stop looking for things or she will hurt herself.. then.. she tried to kiss him to assure him its ok..when we later saw he crushed her trust in him again.. AsianGirl and QuestioGirl are in deep (emotionally) with Hakeem
  2. Naaaa .. she already hinted... "would it be so bad if I got pregnant?"....
  3. To think he told her all of the above in their last meeting.. and she practically forgave him saying its her fault..I'm sorry and now she really sees him as she so rightly said..... but yeah.. she can't leave the dick..
  4. QuestionGirl shaved like crazy on her last visit.. no doubt she didn't complete a thorough hair removal from the bath.. hence the evidence..
  5. AsianGirl returns and cooks her makeup meal for Hakeem after he threatened to end it with her when she found red hairs under the bedroom pillows and asked him if he was seeing other women.....she recently said to him (after he told her to "grow up be an adult") "Do I have to grow up?"
  6. That carrot... oh my I love the way Fiora..deposited it in the bin after use... ...thank you you have had your use.. you are gone....
  7. Hakeem doing a general cleanup could be expecting someone today after a couple days of working from home.. quiet nights too..
  8. elle peut travailler pour rlc si elle est spécialisé dans les tournages Merci beaucoup..mon ami Bernt.....so nice to be translated into french
  9. Its almost been a week now since the AsianGirl incident.. she told him that he has her for another year ( she changed her mind and extended her stay) after she backed down and said sorry for basically exposing his lies to her. .he said that at his age he wants peace and consistency, no one wants a nagging girlfriend. AsianGirl comes from a rich family in China.. she studies filming and Media production which she has been told she is very good and could do well to be a success. . She says that she dosen't have to work, but she respects that she comes from a privileged family but wants to make her own way. Hakeem just wants her to be adult like in her ways. What will she be like when he sees her again?
  10. Hakeem and QuestionGirl are beginning to dress alike....they are beginning to sound like a couple in their conversations..flowing easily and QuestionGirl is actually asking...less questions.
  11. That ass on Fiora.. oooooh my ass perfection getting massaged.. daaaaaayum
  12. Hakeem has crasshed... back to watching Fiora getting her ass massaged.... daaaaayum
  13. Conversation with Hakeem and RussianGirl......starting to improve Conversation with Hakeem and MadameRed .. hardly anything Conversation with Hakeem and AsinGirl/QuestionGirl keeps him interested in what they do work activities their lives and increases social interaction with them...RussianGirl is only just starting to open up...she has an "Official Husband" in Russia and got Hakeem to reveal that he has two children....yet to be confirmed..
  14. Yeah.... QuestionGirl invited Hakeem over to the apartment..she calls the dormitory.. this just could be the night...Hakeem said that he would punch Nikolai (her ex) in the mouth...QG said that she does not like violence so please,,,no.
  15. I will catch up on this...missed an evening or two..however..
  16. The following month..... RUSSIANGIRL.. ..."Hakeem"..
  17. And Finally The All Caring Hakeem Hakeem to AsianGirl 1.You are being too dramatic.. 2.I don't know who's putting this shit in your head, 3 Christ can you not start now? 4. What the fk is wrong with you? 5. why you being dramatic over nothing? 6. I'm not seeing anyone 7. I really don't like this I don't. 8.Explain what to you? 9. You are being too dramtic for no reason. 10. You need to stop this whole thing I don't know who is putting this shit in your head. 11. its dosen' work for me you have to stop this bullshit. 12. If you carry on like this you should go home.13.You have all this.. negative energy around me. 14 what the fk is wrong with you? 15. I'm done with this shit just go. 16. You have always called me a liar from the beginning you have always accused me of something and one thing .17. I'm done now just go. 18. I'm done now I'm not listening to you I'm done taking your shit. 19. I have put up with your childish behaviour. 20. whoever you are talking too continue talking to them. 21. I 've had enough of your childish shit...22. the reason why I see you once in two weeks all of this drama i don't want to keep up with it. 23.You came up with that shit... just go. 24. Get up and just leave.. BTW.. I left out the short section of the trust issue,...it was too damn heartbreaking to watch and transcribe.. "Damn you Hakeem.. you broke her heart...."
  18. Hakeem has a better time with RussinGirl and MadameRed than the two younger ladies.....but as we know he makes crazy choices..
  19. Once again .. no condom safe sex from Hakeem.. no regard for the women just to please him self..I wonder.. will AsianGirl return so quickly?..I think she just might..
  20. RussianGirl...daaaaaayum...that ass,,...late night booty call for real..
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