Apparently they're going to sleep. Dude fully dressed, on top of the covers, beside a completely naked Irma. Is this guy her brother or something? Is he gay? I'm so confused...
He's asking Irma not to fart. What a Cassanova. He somehow managed not to stare at Jessica's ass in those shorts. I don't think I could've managed that.
Alright, at the risk of pissing all of you off, I have to say it... if he's willing to sit through this movie just to hang out with Irma, he deserves a handjob.
Nevermind. He's picking a better different movie. No handjob for HipsterTwit.
This dude is super awkward. They might think it's cute, but he's not getting anything out of Jess or Irma tonight. Nice to hear them speaking English, though.
Jessica seems to have gone to bed without panties, and now the covers are kicked off. She'd probably be unhappy about how much vagina she's showing in her sleep.
OT Ever notice how Anabel likes to take up the entire bed, leaving a few inches for Efim to sleep in? Every woman I've ever been with does this. Yet Nora stays on her half of the bed, letting Kiko get a decent night's sleep. You don't have to like her, you can say whatever you want about her, but if I were Kiko, I'd keep her around for a very long time.
I was watching. Irma faked it because he wasn't doing the things she likes. I don't know if Jess faked it or not - seemed pretty authentic. I saw a lot of clit rubbing during both massages, but I didn't notice any penetration.
But that's not romance. Some girls like a little romance, you know?