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  1. This apartment now has a boob deficit, all the other boobs don't add up to the loss of that one person :( :'(
  2. And I thought all the old dudes road RoadGlides like me :)
  3. For those that don't get the "Jake from State Farm" reference:
  4. Did not mean to offend anyone, was just a joke :) I'm sure she is all that and a bag of chips to someone.
  5. I agree, and those paws have been digging in one assumes is some turd/piss filled litter box... ugh
  6. Axillary (Under the arm) is not real accurate, you would think for ovulation she would be doing something more accurate but maybe that is just what she usually does....
  7. Agree totally, I really did not like these folks.
  8. Wonder what they are smoking in that thing?
  9. Be nice to know just what the heck their saying..
  10. I wonder if they know the dog jumps up and licks the table lol
  11. Pouring shots now... could get interesting lol
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