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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. It is certainly quieter now But I still like these girls a lot, boring or not. It was different when the lineup included Vika, who was both boring AND disliked!
  2. Yes, exactly, and if you are not satisfied then this is 100% the best way to express your dissatisfaction. The last time, when subscriptions fell, they brought back Irma and Ilona. If it happens again RLC will probably take action. But it will only be as a result of falling memberships, not as a result of complaining on CamCaps
  3. You volunteered to pay for this site. Nobody forced you, and nobody made any promises when you paid. They can do with their money whatever they want, the same as you can
  4. So even if what you say is true, then it is up to the girls to decide whether they want to earn a bonus. It is not a requirement. Maybe they are happy not to earn this bonus, only base pay. Should they be forced to put on a show?
  5. That is an exact wording from RLC website. As far as the viewer is concerned, it is the absolute truth, even if we think differently. The girls DO NOT have to put on a show for the viewer. That is a bonus, but it is not promised anywhere on the website, and I am 99% sure it is not in any contract which the girls sign. You may think that they 'owe' you something because you have paid, but it's not true. You pay to watch them interact, have a shower, go to bed. Nothing more
  6. This is, in my opinion, the correct attitude. The ONLY thing which RLC cares about is money, and therefore the ONLY thing which they will take notice of is people cancelling their memberships. They won't pay attention to complaining on here. Personally, although B2 is slow and B1 is strange at the moment, I still really like the girls in B2 and I am happy to pay to watch them, even if they are not doing very much
  7. It is fine to express frustration here, but the problem comes when every post is a complaint. It is not enjoyable to read, and it makes no difference. Remember that CamCaps is not related to RLC at all, so anything posted here will have no effect on what RLC chooses to do - the exception is that if people speak positively about the girls (Ilona, Irma, Elisa etc) RLC will bring them back. But they won't ask the current girls to change their behaviour, and they won't ask them to leave, so we just have to be patient. Maybe patience is difficult when you have spent money on RLC, but that is how it is. RLC is constantly changing, their are slow times and fast times. The fast times will come back, but not through complaining
  8. General chat about the apartment yes, so discussing what the girls are doing. Not day after day of the same complaints because the girls won't lez off with each other
  9. The chances of another lesbian show are close to zero. Asking for it on CamCaps every night, and complaining about it every day, these thing will not help, all they do is annoy other members of CamCaps. Mikelima if you paid for 6 months that was probably a bad idea, you should have paid for one month and waited to see if you like it. What you are seeing now is what RLC has been like for most of its history. Please stop complaining about it, or at least keep it off the forum. This is a place for positivity, if at all possible
  10. I think the food thing was more of an issue because some of it was supposed to go to Carolina for her to take home. And given how much of a divisive personality Milena is it would only take a small thing for Jasmin to snap at her. I bet if Rebecca or Belle took some of her food she wouldn't mind. Plus none of these girls act like they would do that anyway, and I'm sure Jas knows that - there's a reason she wanted to move to B2 in the first place I think Belle will leave to be replaced by Rebecca's friend, not Lara. These are my opinions anyway, I don't think there's a divide but I could be wrong.
  11. Becca can't leave her pussy alone, she's been fiddling with it for a while. If she really doesn't like to masturbate then she must be extremely sexually frustrated, so she probably wants to eat Belle alive right now
  12. Longarm, all the girls are there to 'put in their time to get paid.' If anything else happens it's a bonus, but it's not to be expected. The lineup is fine with Rebecca and Jasmin. Reb is the only one trying to get the parties started, and Jasmin is just knockout gorgeous. Neither are as naturally outgoing as Belle, but if you accept that we are highly unlikely to get another lesbian night in this apartment, this lineup is about as good as it can be. 3 beautiful girls who get on well - I don't accept that there's a divide between Belle / Lara & Becca / Jas, if Belle and L were friends outside the apartment then they'll naturally be more chatty, so the other two allow them to chat and catch up. Bec & Jas are also more mature than Belle (and maybe Lara, time will tell,) so they have different things to talk about, but just because they're bonding doesn't mean they're plotting against the others. And I certainly don't think that Lara going back to B1 was anything whatsoever to do with Jasmine, and unless it's proven otherwise neither should you - the worst thing that happens on this forum is that people make an assumption based on no evidence, and then begin to resent the girls because of it. I'm sure Lara will be back at B2 getting on with Jas in no time at all Right, better go to work!
  13. That's true, this is what Belle told Rebecca the other day, when Rebecca said she was inviting her friend to Barca
  14. Most of the girls know each other from before they came to RLC, so it is not always a matter of chemistry
  15. Thanks kitek, I totally agree that Jasmin should stay, she is in the top 3 most beautiful girls on the site in my opinion!
  16. Haha no problem. My honest advice to you? Leave the computer for a couple of hours and return at about 9 or 10pm Barcelona time. Then we will have a much better idea of what will happen ronight. That is what I am going to do, I am having a BBQ now. See you guys later
  17. Mate, we don't know. Many, many times people have made predictions and have been proven wrong. We don't know whether they will stay in, or go out, drink and party or watch TV. That is what makes RLC interesting - you just never know what will happen next. It is the same thing that makes RLC frustrating. Or if the above answer is not satisfactory for you, then yes, I have no doubt that tonight all the girls will get naked in Rebecca's bedroom and use Dildos, tongues and fingers. Also Irma, Ilona, Danaya and Megan will come back and join in. I am 100% sure this is the truth
  18. I don't know what word you are trying to type here but I'm pretty sure this is not the correct spelling
  19. To be fair, Jas is in the bath and Rebecca is doing her hair. They can't exactly do that in the living room
  20. We all would like to see this, but you must be patient. I waited 11 months on RLC before I saw this happen
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