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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Polya was a babe too, but for me Stella had it all. In terms of appearance, I don't think there's been a better looking girl on RLC. Apart from the one and only, of course
  2. About the first time I've disagreed with you I thought Stella was the perfect RLC resident. She masturbated semi-frequently, had sex on cam, looked absolutely fantastic all the time and was always happy to get involved with the other girls, no matter what they were doing. I miss her dearly, I think after Irma she is my number 2 Barca girl of all time
  3. I love you. You are 100% correct. I would also add the following contradiction: Complaints that the girls are not acting normally enough, as they would in 'Real Life' and then; Since the lesbian shows, complaints that the girls act too normally, and don't put on enough of a show for the viewer!
  4. Only if you're smoking normal tobacco or weed. You can get very mild flavoured tobacco for hookah which smells nice
  5. Rebecca wouldn't have left her alone, plus we already know they were going to a club. She'll be fine. Wasted, but fine
  6. Probably with the other girls in the club. Maybe Becca only went out to make sure she got to them safely
  7. Remember when she got too wasted last time, 'The Emperor' came to her rescue. I'm sure RLC has eyes on these girls at all times, they don't want their assets getting hurt
  8. She's just not a party girl. It doesn't make her a bad person, she just isn't like the others. I do think that if she isn't comfortable at RLC she should leave though
  9. Think positive. There probably won't be much excitement at B1, but there will definitely be alcohol
  10. I don't think Rebecca has altered her behaviour because of her boyfriend, I think it's because of the videos which were posted online that they found out about. It was the first thing Lola told her when she returned to the apartment, and Rebecca said that she would have to be mindful of her behaviour from now on if there was a chance of videos being posted online
  11. I am sure that some of their expenses are paid by RLC so they need to keep receipts to claim the money back
  12. No disaster. B1 are having a party tomorrow. Hopefully B2 girls will go too, so they need to save their energy today to party hard tomorrow
  13. I like Lima a lot, I really respect how she just does not give a fuck about making a fool out of herself, or looking presentable all the time. She is who she is without any apologies. She didn't get involved in the petty silliness between Belle and Milena and she seems to get on well enough with Melissa and Lara. But I don't care about watching her that much. Whenever Rebecca or Belle are in their apartment I want to watch them. Lima just doesn't excite me as a viewer That's my problem I guess, but I think I'm not the only one who feels the same
  14. Yes I hope so too. She did check her passport the other day but might have been unrelated. Once Belle and Rebecca leave I think I'm going to have a hard time really connecting with their replacements. These two are the only two who remain from the orgy night, Stella, Megan, Anna and Lola have all moved on and I don't really feel any affection toward any of the B1 girls at the moment
  15. Then you must have missed it, Rebecca is the only girl in the apartments (except Carolina) who has eaten pussy on camera. And she ate 3 different girls. Surely you have not forgotten that?
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