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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. It is against the rules to post any 'outside' information on the girls on CamCaps. The reason is that it is a bad idea for people to try to contact the girls - it makes them uncomfortable
  2. She certainly could have been putting on a show, but I remember when Megan put on the show she came out from the bathroom all sweaty, hair messed and up kind of 'glowing' with satisfaction. Jasmin comes out looking like how she went in. Maybe she's Skyping with friends, family, even kids, and she wants to be absolutely sure we don't see anything. Or maybe she's rubbing one out, but I'm not convinced
  3. A reminder that Megan also put on a show for her boyfriend in the toilet. She turned out OK, yes? And Megan did it a lot more blatantly than Jasmin, if that is indeed what Jasmin did
  4. Hey I like Lima! It's true that she is not a sparkling personality, but she lives her life exactly how she wants to, and doesn't seem to care what anybody else does or thinks about her. I respect her for that
  5. Yes i defended her at first, because I believed that both she and Belle behaved equally badly when they had their argument, but it seems that Milena is a difficult person to live with for anyone except Lima.
  6. Thanks Kitek. So her boyfriend managed to get out of the friendzone! Well done to that guy. Damn Jasmin is so hot, that would have been the best birthday gift ever!
  7. People who complain that Lara isn't honouring her contract - send a complaint to RLC, and they'll tell you "the people in the apartments are real people living their lives and are free to go wherever they want." Therefore, Lara is NOT going against the terms of her contract by staying in B2, so that argument is worthless I am glad that Lara is spending time at B2, the girls there are more friendly, more similar to her in age, they're already in the same group of friends and there is more likely to be fun at B2. I don't care what the freeloaders think, I personally hope Lara never goes back to B1!
  8. You have in fact agreed with Alba's comment, maybe you misread. He says that he doesn't care which apartment they are in, as long as they are interacting and having fun
  9. I disagree, they shouldn't 'make' her do anything. Would you rather Lara sat on her phone at B1 with two girls she doesn't know (and maybe doesn't like) or spend time with her frieneds dancing and having fun at B2?
  10. My hope is that Rebecca doesn't get disillusioned with Belle and stops trying. We saw when Lola tried to make a move on Belle and Belle shut her down, Lola was like "well, I tried, I won't try again." This is twice that Rebecca has appeared to want to go a bit further with Belle since she returned, and twice she has been left unsatisfied. I did enjoy the show last night a lot, but I am a big big fan of Rebecca and I hope I get to see her give Belle a repeat performance
  11. Blah blah blah You paid to watch the girls. Anything else is a bonus. Onto the ignore list you go
  12. Calm down mate it happen 5 minutes ago. It will be fixed tomorrow Rebecca just changed her panty liner in her bathroom, off cam
  13. Seems that way, although Belle said that after she stayed she would be leaving to Germany (iirc) so that doesn't add up. Maybe the friend changed her plans
  14. Looks like Jasmine is getting ready to go out tonight. I hope all the girls go out, some of these girls haven't been out partying in weeks, they could use an evening outside the apartment. Plus they would have a few drinks and maybe come home a little tipsy
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