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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Yes it was translated on one of her first days, she doesn't like dildos and doesn't masturbate, but she's more than happy to let another person do the work for her
  2. You could hear their conversation from Cam 7, in English one girl was saying 'tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow,' and another was saying 'nooo today!'
  3. To be fair she had hung up, but he rang her again The way Belle shouts 'LOLA!' she might as well be shouting 'MUM!'
  4. Hey BB, I'm thinking about Irma and Belle having sex with each other right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me! I recommend that if you can't beat em, join em
  5. I know Lola isn't supposed to be leaving until the 20th but the girls sure are acting like it's her last night, lots of hugging going on
  6. Yes and I would just like to mention that NONE of the girls has been very active since that information came out, but Rebecca seems to be getting the brunt of people's frustrations
  7. That's fine, I just see things a little differently to you. I'm a big fan of Rebecca and I don't like people berating her just because she's not always jumping around and shouting. Rebecca is a very much more down-to-Earth girl than most of the others in Barcelona, she's not a party girl like Ilona or Belle or Polya, but I don't think that makes her less worthwhile than the others.
  8. Rebecca had a big argument with her other half yesterday, if she's on her phone a lot it's probably trying to patch things up with him. No I don't think she monopolises Lola, Lola is a big stubborn girl who won't be pushed or pulled by anyone if she doesn't want to be
  9. I disagree. The girls all like her, and she doesn't complain about nudity or prevent the other girls from doing anything. If anybody wants to up their game, it will be Jasmine who is the anchor, not Rebecca. But none of the other girls want to take it further, at least not at the moment
  10. In recent days the girls have been in the apartment a lot, they have hardly spent any time out of the apartment at all, and haven't been going out in the evening. It's not unreasonable for them have one Saturday out of the house!
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