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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. You know what, I like this guy who is here now. He's been a gentleman to Stella all day (in between fucking her!) he's been respectful to the other girls (I don't care if he looked at their arses, all of you would do the same,) he just passed Belle a blanket and last night, when Stella tried to take the blanket off Belle whilst she slept on the couch, he stopped her and made sure Belle kept the cover. He's a cool guy, and I'm glad he's making Stella happy
  2. She received an envelope, but she then gave that to Lola. Usually when the girls are leaving they go over receipts and paperwork. For a start, I haven't seen Belle look at her passport yet, which is always very noticeable as they check it thoroughly
  3. No, they said you can't write about the topic of B1 in the B2 thread. Belle is currently in B2, therefore this is on-topic
  4. But leaving it there makes no sense either. Anna spent her last night at B2 too, but she brought her suitcases with her and left directly from B2. My prediction - tomorrow both apartments go UM for a while. When they're back Belle's suitcase is at B2 and Stella and Belle's names have switched
  5. OK I'm calling it now - Belle is switching to B2 and is not leaving the project. I might be wrong, but I want to put it out there
  6. My point though, is why would she do that unless she was keeping it for later? If she packed it to take home, she wouldn't put it in a cupboard for just one night
  7. I like her, she's like the drunken girl next door who sunbathes naked and flirts with you across the fence
  8. Here's a curveball for you BB, how about if Belle was talking to an RLC rep on the phone that day, and she was told that the earliest she could switch apartments was on October 10th
  9. It's just Stella, her guy and Lima. Stella's guy is not interested in anyone else, he seems nice enough
  10. I would like to see Belle have a nice send-off, but I don't think the party yesterday was for her. Doubt Milena would be willing to strip off for her considering their relationship
  11. It does, because B1 has 'free' cams, so users who are not subscribers can post pictures without fear of getting banned
  12. She'll be on the pill for sure. Regarding the risk of STDs, it's not that big of a consideration when you are super horny! I guess there are no condoms in the house but that's not going to stop them shagging
  13. Well that's your decision, and I respect it. These girls and guys are happy to have sex with other beautiful girls and guys and they do not feel bad about it after. That is their decision and you should respect that
  14. People on here speak like sexuality is black and white - you either like girls, or you like guys, there is no middle ground. We already know that Stella has had sex with a girl before (she spoke about it in Barca 1) and she'll probably do it again. When you're horny and open-minded it doesn't matter the sex of the person you are with, as long as they make you feel good
  15. Stella wants him there. Therefore he has every right to stay Exactly, there were not creepy at all! If staring at a girls arse is creepy, then every man on the planet is creepy. If being invited to a party with a load of models wearing lingerie and wanting to fuck them is creepy, then just being a man is creepy! These were normal, young guys and many people on here are completely over-reacting
  16. But we've seen naked dancing 100 times. Last night we saw something new. This is a good thing. The only reason you're upset is because it didn't revolve around Belle
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